英语人>网络例句>淡紫色 相关的搜索结果


与 淡紫色 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Flowers pale to mauve-purple, blotched darker, perianth tube 5.5--6 cm, inner segments erect

花对淡紫色紫色,斑点的深色的,花被筒5.5浅--6厘米,内部裂片直立 57 IRIS kemaonensis 库门鸢尾

Bulbous autumn-flowering herb with white, purple or lavender-and-white flowers; native to western and central Europe.


Sepals acute, acuminate, or obtuse apically, mucronulate or not, not long attenuate, herbaceous, membranous, or leathery; corolla reddish, purplish, lilac to pink, or white.


Petals purple, lavender, or white; blade obovate or narrowly obcordate, apex rounded or emarginate; claw obscurely to strongly differentiated from blade, shorter than to as long as sepals.


Fruit narrowly oblong, 1.5-2.3(-3) mm wide; petals lavender, purplish, or rarely white; cauline leaves dentate or denticulate, rarely repand or entire

果狭长圆形,1.5-2.3(-3)毫米宽;花瓣淡紫色,略带紫色,或很少白色;茎生叶有齿的或具小齿,很少残波状的或全缘 3 T。

Life in Color: Purple Towering lavender clouds loom like misty mountains over the coast of Scotland's Isle of Skye.


Still have, grow in its in development process, if discover blade is shown lilac produce curly phenomenon, show excess of nitrogenous fertilizer employ, answer right now decelerate little dose or extend fertilization time; And blade is shown virescent make clear devoid nitrogenous fertilizer again, answer to increase dose appropriately.


The sensuality of these fabrics is echoed by the colour range: sophisticated purple shades from lilac to mauve are combined with classic summer darks such as pralin , anthracite, black and navy plus such non-colours as white, off-white and stone not forgetting the natural hues camel and khaki.

面料的极佳的触感与丰富的色彩区间相得益彰。复杂的紫色从淡紫色到紫红色,并且混合些许夏季的暗色调,比如pralin ,anthracite和黑色。藏青色会混合上一些诸如白色的单色系。当然也不要忘记比较自然的浅棕色和卡其色。

Or on the opposite end of the spectrum and complementing the popular use of neural and shell colors in home interiors,pastel colors such as butter yellow,lavender,pale peach and pink help define today's color palette.


Elegant beautiful color - the Center for the pink and light purple color, with light rose-colored carpet, sofa concentrated than some of the rose-colored carpet, curtains optional printing lilacinus, shade, and the poles with pink or purple,* put some green mat and decorative plants, with white walls and furniture can be made beautiful elegant effect.


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