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与 无意识 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Was it the unconscious impulse to take hold on the precious treasure which she had thought for ever lost; the unconscious attempt to make sure that it was not merely an apparition of Jesus from heaven, but the real Christ in His corporeity on earth; or a gesture of generation, the beginning of such acts of worship as her heart prompted?


The closer the unconscious becomes, the easier it is to bring one's unconscious destructiveness into one's conscious daily life.


There had never been a essentialist criteria in history, neither there had been any absolute truth buried in unconsciousness or collective unconsciousness in history for us to explore.


Implicit learning is a unconscious process which produces pure knowledge and runs parallel with explicit learning way,namely learners unconsciously grasp some mutative rules behind irritative environment,but they cannot accordingly realize what they acquire.


The consciousness of space in the contemporary era is an energy field created by pure vision and perceptivity. It is also a key element in the making of abstract works of art. As viewed from the traditional art approach it is quite hard to apprehend the consciousness of space of the time. With the individuality and having various emotional attachments, consequentially artists' consciousness of space are not the same.


According to Jung's preconscious psyche, the seventh, the eighth, the Seeds, and the prior six consciousnesses in the theory of consciousness-only (Vijānamātra), all belong to the unconscious.


This paper explores individuals self-reference effect on the unconscious level, and offers clue for the research of brain function orientation of self-reference effect on the unconscious level.


Yet now this diary is approaching its end. Sophia no longer needs it. Tears comfort her or release her anger because she is aware of the senselessness of life. Tears only express that absence of meaning.


Concept of subconsciousness.There are two ways for us to get information: consciousness and subconciousness. Each day we get different extent stimulations tangibly and intangibly, such stimulations waken our awareness and lead to relevant responses. Consciousness is to receive surrounding stimulations mindedly, and subconsciousness is on the contrast way. Subconciousness is the key part of psychological analysis and basis of Sigmund Freud's theory.


Contact found in 80 works will impose upon space and the norm of thinking seems to exist faults and barriers, ahead of fashion conscious consumers continue to derive more imaginative ideas to make their work a kind of weightlessness a sense of unconscious, self-desire expansion and to meet the Gengrang has become such a vague sense of, when hidden, at times, a lot of 80, after describing himself as an artist is not weight of objects, flying freely in the air, floating, this subjective state of consciousness driven by the description of means that the objective mental states, disorders and emptiness, extreme inflation and a good self-concept of a serious departure from the idealism and sense of reality, greatly outstrips reality, a feeling based on fantasy or fantasy thinking.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
