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与 意大利语 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The day passed thus; he scarcely tasted food, but walked round and round the cell like a wild beast in its cage. One thought in particular tormented him: namely, that during his journey hither he had sat so still, whereas he might, a dozen times, have plunged into the sea, and, thanks to his powers of swimming, for which he was famous, have gained the shore, concealed himself until the arrival of a Genoese or Spanish vessel, escaped to Spain or Italy, where Merc d s and his father could have joined him. He had no fears as to how he should live--good seamen are welcome everywhere. He spoke Italian like a Tuscan, and Spanish like a Castilian; he would have been free, and happy with Merc d s and his father, whereas he was now confined in the Chateau d'If, that impregnable fortress, ignorant of the future destiny of his father and Merc d s; and all this because he had trusted to Villefort's promise.


As a classical trained singer from UCLA, the New England Conservatory of Music, and the San Francisco Symphony Chorus, Susie Tallman wanted to provide a CD of classical music for her audience of parents who are interested in exposing their children to a wide variety of music in order to calm soothe their children as well as educate by exposing the parent child to various languages (German, French, Italian, Latin, Czech, Dutch) and instrumentations (string quartet, piano, harp, choir, organ).

Rock Me Baby从1999年开始出品摇篮曲,童谣和儿歌,作为在加州大学,新英格兰音乐学校,旧金山交响乐队受过古典音乐训练的歌唱家,Susie Tallman想要向她的父母听众提供一张他们喜欢的能让孩子们安静和放松的并同时受教育各种类型多样的古典音乐CD,并用不同的语言(德语,法语,意大利语,拉丁语,捷克语,荷兰语)和乐器(四重奏,钢琴,竖琴,唱诗,风琴)来展示。

To read this site in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese or Chinese just click the country flags at the top of each page or the sitemaps at the foot of this page.


Italia patria di mafiosi, grandi lavoratori e creativi… certamente molto più creativi dei tedeschi di MediaMarkt che propongono concorsi ed offerte per l'europeo attraverso la controllata italiana (negozi Media World e Saturn, ndr) mentre in patria propongono spot televisivi con Toni l'italiano.


In other languages, the words 'father' and 'mother' have a similar pronunciation as those in other languages. For example, in oral French, the pronunciation of father is 'papa', while mother's pronunciation is 'maman'. In Arabian language, the pronunciation of father is 'baibai', the pronunciation of mother is 'mama'.In Spanish, Italian, Japanese and german language, the words 'father' and 'mother' all have the same pronunciation as 'papa' and 'mama'.


This instrument was called a piano e forte, to indicate its dynamic versatility; its strings were struck by a recoiling hammer with a feltfelt-padded head.

这 种乐器被称为 piano eforte 意大利语,柔和而响亮的以显示它有力的多样性。(意大利语,柔和而响亮的),以显示它有力的多样性。演奏者用一个头部带皮毡的弹击乐锤敲击琴弦。

Caricature, another offspring of carrus, came to us via French from Italian,in which caricatura, the source of the French word, was derived from Italian caricare,"to load, burden, or exaggerate."

Caricature 是 carrus 的另一产物,从意大利语经法语而演变过来的。演变过程中,做为法语词源的 caricatura 是从意大利语,即意为&装货,使负重荷或夸张&的 caricare 衍生而来。

Visto che lei sta già in Italia dovrebbe parlare sempie con gli italiani,ascoltare la radio e guardare la TV;cosi potrà imparare bene la lingua in poco tempo.


I have played with french, spanish, portuguese, german, dutch, italian, turkish, ghanian, chilean, brazilan, argentinian, mexican, american, canadian, russian, and south korean people.


Italian is spoken in Ticino and four southern valleys of Canton Graubünden.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
