英语人>网络例句>惯常的 相关的搜索结果


与 惯常的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The common mistake of these novel theories, a mistake already made by the old Adoptionists and by Abelard, lies in the supposition that the grace of union in Christ, not being less fruitful than habitual grace in man, should have a similar effect, viz., filiation.


It was the usual Friday night madness, with loud music, raucous laughter, off-color jokes, and plenty of booze for those who wanted to indulge, which was practically everyone.


His conclusion is characteristically punchy: capitalism is inherently evil,"a system of giving and taking…mostly taking."


Heidegger's analysis, firstly, tried to indicate that the work of art is something different form usual recognitions; for the above-mentioned reasons, this treatise analyses the complicated relations between thingness, equipment and the work of art; then it reveals Heideggor's thought about the relation between art, the work of art and artist, in the relation, art becomes the original foundation of the work of art and artist.


Several years learning in Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, Liu Qiming tried several art languages and styles,and he upgraded study from a passive process to a proactive process with attempt and explorement,which created a solid base for his later art career.


Those same deliciously taloned fingers, long and supple, razorsharp, trailing patterns of delight along his shoulders and sides as their bodies ground together with vicious pleasure


In fact, the latter was in plain language precisely what was the usual real terms, at great length the former so-called "archaisms", even if not to say contrary to literary pen flower of the "processing to create", but also at least a rigid type of of the lineage.

其实, 后者那通俗易懂的语言恰恰是当时惯常的真实用语,而前者的连篇累牍的所谓&之乎者也&,即使不说是出乎文人笔下生花的&加工创造&,也起码是一种僵化类型化的沿袭。

I could hardly repress a smile at this torrent of eloquence gushing from such a bit of a fellow, which sounded specially out of place here, where the ryots are given to stating their profoundly vital wants in plain and direct vernacular, of which even the more unusual words get sadly twisted out of shape.


In settling on a fair price, firms will evaluate their own costs, current pricing laws, what the competition is doing, arid the type of discounts and terms of sales that are customary in the industry.


Cut-and-dried: Prepared and arranged in advance; settled.

已决定的:事先准备和安排好的;已决定的Ordinary; routine:惯常的;日常的

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
