英语人>网络例句>忙碌的 相关的搜索结果


与 忙碌的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adscript: Xiao Peng is rushing about for the daughter's medical expenses and busy the thing of a few families, did not pass to examine minutely more so, when interviewing, we also undertake through leaving a message.


It's a small drizzly rainy day, but this could't hold up our passion. The brothers of ZhongshanUniversity had gone to 107d with Agitprop Minister Lene early 7 o'clock. On this time the missionaries were busy with preparing for balloons and hanging color strips.

灰蒙蒙的天上下着淅沥的小雨,但这丝毫阻挡不了大家的热情,还没到7点,中山大学微软俱乐部的兄弟就在公关部长 Lene 的陪同下早早的赶到了107,这时工作人员还在忙碌地准备着气球、挂着彩带。

It was a drizzly day with soft rain, but this couldn't hold up our passion. The brothers of Zhongshan University had gone to 107d with Agitprop Minister Lene early 7 o'clock. On this time the missionaries were busy with preparing for balloons and hanging color strips.


Modern lifestyle has left us little time to prepare healthy and nutritious meals and drove people towards convenience foods.


The rush and reality of the busyness of modern-day life can blind us to the beauty that shines through the ugly, deafen us to the voices in our own hearts and weaken our ability and desire to seek and embrace life's simple pleasures.


I throw out these queries for intelligent readers to answer, who know, at once, how credulous we are, and how sceptical, how soft and how obstinate, how firm for others and how diffident about ourselves: meanwhile, it is certain that our friend William Dobbin, who was personally of so complying a disposition that if his parents had pressed him much, it is probable he would have stepped down into the kitchen and married the cook, and who, to further his own interests, would have found the most insuperable difficulty in walking across the street, found himself as busy and eager in the conduct of George Osborne's affairs, as the most selfish tactician could be in the pursuit of his own.


In spite of the hard work and the mediocre accommodation, their life would be a happy one, but for one person: the owner of the farm an egotistic and authoritarian individual, who is also the lover of the woman and the father of all her children.


In the preface to Mary Barton , Gaskell says she came up with the idea of her book when, as she puts it,"I bethought me how deep might be the romance in the lives of some of those who elbowed me daily in the busy streets of the town in which I resided."


But, with an international jet-set lifestyle, a residence in Monaco, a high-profile girlfriend and possession of some of the most formidable weapons on the circuit, Joachim Johansson has been doing his fair share of shaking and stirring over the past year or so.

但是,国际飞人的生活方式,摩纳哥的住所,高调的女朋友以及一些圈子里最可怕的武器,Joachim Johansson在去过几年一直享受着忙碌而刺激的生活。

Among these works Emanual von Baeyer, a London dealer, will show "The Aviary of Death", a 16th-century etching of the Grim Reaper busily at work, by Giovanni Paolo Cimerlini.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
