英语人>网络例句>当时当地 相关的搜索结果


与 当时当地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A Reuters photographer saw him in a popular shopping mall in the centre of the capital Manama all in black, with sunglasses, gloves, a veil covering his face and dressed in an abaya, or full-length robe -- but with men's shoes peeping out below.


Whilst every fair-skinned, dark-haired maiden in the area attempted to persuade the village elders that she should be the one chosen for this important task, More travelled up to Sheffield to commission an expert armourer to create a suit covered with spikes of steel six inches long.


The author of "End of the spear" Steve Sai nt descri bes the death of hi s father i n the j ungl es of Equador: At the ti me they were bei ng ki l l ed, the Auca I ndi ans saw a mul ti tude of angel s i n the sky and heard them si ngi ng.

电影""End of the spear 的作者 Steve Sai nt 描写他父亲如何在鄂瓜多尔的丛林中殉道的时候这样写道:当他们被杀的时候,当地印地安人见到当时天上有许多天使在歌唱。

Under the conditions at that time, the construction of the county effective in improving the administrative capacity of local banditry and attacks on the defense capability.


After France he moved to Luxemburg where he collaborated with The European Commission on various projects involving exhibitions and multi-media performances involving actors and electronic music performances. In 1982 he moved to Belgium where he became very succesfull with portraying the Belgium Aristocracy and High Society.In 1984 he moved again to Paris and studied contemporary electronic music in the IRCAM that was under the direction of the famous French composer Pierre Boulez. In 1986 he moved to Berlin to study the new tendencies in German painting.

之后,他搬到了卢森堡,和欧盟委员会合作了很多项目,包括画展、多媒体演员表演和电子乐演出。1982年,他搬到比利时,为当地贵族和上流社会人物画肖像画,非常成功。1984年,他再次来到巴黎,在巴黎IRCAM进修当代电子音乐,当时IRCAM由著名法国作曲家Pierre Boulez所领导。1986年,他到柏林研究德国绘画艺术新潮流。

In his first ten years in the business, he handled a great number of criminal cases, with many of which bring great social impacts. For example, a deliberate murder case in Jiangxi province in 1989, where a husband killed his wife for her extramarital love affairs, which brought great impact that time in Jiangxi; a bribery case (1990,Jiangxi), a brigandage case(1991,Jiangxi); two bribery cases(1993, Jiangxi); a deliberate injury case(1994,Jiangxi), a robbery case(1995, Jiangxi). He also dealt with an illegal drug holding in 1995 in Guangdong, a drug dealer case in 1997 in Zhejiang.


I have a vehicle license Wuxi polo, bought two years, to buy time to entrust 4s outside the shop on the card, was also committed to a vehicle from them to solve the problem, the first two months of the time I went to the first annual inspection, and 4s to find stores, they say that nothing we can do, and later became aware of the understanding that they were also looking for the licensing of local cattle, and now that person can not find the time they also搞不定, and later found another cattle probably have to offer 1000, I did not spot anger Oh hematemesis.


I can remember something similar in the province of Jehol, in 1933, when the Japanese took 1oo,ooo square miles of territory in ten days, When I asked the peasants who were waiting for the oncoming Japanese, who were only a few miles away, what they thought of it all, they said stolidly, We don't know the Japanese.


Experts from meteorological department pointed out that the reason why it snowed at that time is that the atmospheric pressure above the area dropped suddenly to 950 millibars. It was 20 millibars lower than the limit of the normal atmospheric pressure. In June, 2000, the temperature in Koppaonike City, a small town in the plain of Yugoslavia, was over 15 degrees centigrade all along. But in midday of June 17 it dropped suddenly to zero or below. Then a heavy snow fell on. This surprised the local residents. People went to street one after another to have a look.


Despite a national trend toward economic integration, the needs of state making during this turbulent period of Shandong's history prompted local authorities to restrict the movement of specie across administrative boundaries, leading to marked regional variations in both the silver-copper ratio and local interest rates that illustrate a real political constraint on the spread of purely market forces.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
