英语人>网络例句>强有力地 相关的搜索结果


与 强有力地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Deiphobus vaunted over him and cried with a loud voice saying, Of a truth Asius has not fallen unavenied; he will be glad even while passing into the house of Hades, strong warden of the gate, that I have sent some one to escort him.


More strongly security mechanism and more abundant security service can be adopted expediently in the future.


Studying the marketing reengineering, this thesis concludes that:①marketing should go beyond a functional element to guide a company at a strategic level, it is the "soul" of a company,②vision analyzing, marketing architecture crafting and implementing, and stakeholders' interests balancing, are three integral parts of marketing for a company, and ③for its own survival and growth, Shuanghuan Auto needs a foresightful, holistic and sustainable marketing system to draw on.


The treatment with dendritic cell vaccine was potent in the control of lung cancer hematogenous metastasis.


Therefore,in the premise of connection among thetheory,history and actuality,the thesis has put forward theconception of China administrative morality:directed byMarxism-Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought and Deng XiaopingTheory,use the scientific theory,proceed from the actualsituation and follow the principle of collectivism,serving,efficiency and impartiality;make sure the basic content of thecontemporary China administrative morality construction andpush the compulsory administrative morality and the idealadministrative morality;cultivate the autonomic consciousness ofadministrative morality main body through strengtheningadministrative morality education and administrative moralityculture;strengthen heteronomous system of administrativemorality with the system construction as the safeguard ofadministrative morality construction;emphasize constructingforcible wide administrative morality regulation system-theevaluation and supervision of administrative morality,uniteautonomic and heteronomous,and make the administrativebehavior carry out administrative morality obligation consciouslyin the end.


Kreis seemed to wake up and flash like some metallic, magnetic thing, while Norton looked at Martin sympathetically, with a sweet, girlish smile, as much as to say that he would be amply protected.


Seen from clinical effect, haemodynamics and general condition both better in rats treated with dexamethasone than rats treated with saline. We had a presumption on these grounds that the sum of negativity myodynamia generated byβ3-AR up-regulation andα1-AR down-regulation possibly less than positive myodynamia generated byβ1-AR up-regulation. 5 For patients with DCHF, adding prednisone to the usual care resulted in significant relief of the congestive symptoms, which was accompanied with a potent diuresis with time and an improvement in renal function.


The liver has to work better to provide strong and frequent bile, which helps to digest fats better and helps to activate peristaltic colon action.


Credit First. Excellent Service, we will bring the qualitied products and excellent service to our customers. Great competitive strength and reasonable price can also bring more profit to our customers.


Taking powerful measures to control population increase; improving ecological environment actively; adjusting industrical structure, concerting agreement between human and environment and accomplishing the development.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
