英语人>网络例句>小跑 相关的搜索结果


与 小跑 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They trotted out in a straight line and slapped the goal post before they started their drills.


But never was a fight managed so hardily, and in such a surprising manner, as that which followed between Friday and the bear, which gave us all (though at first we were surprised and afraid for him) the greatest diversion imaginable: as the bear is a heavy, clumsy creature, and does not gallop as the wolf does, who is swift, and light; so he has two particular qualities, which generally are the rule of his actions; first, as to men, who are not his proper prey; I say, not his proper prey; because though I cannot say what excessive hunger might do, which was now their case, the ground being all covered with snow; but as to men, he does not usually attempt them, unless they first attack him: on the contrary, if you meet him in the woods, if you don't meddle with him, he won't meddle with you; but then you must take care to be very civil to him, and give him the road; for he is a very nice gentleman, he won't go a step out of his way for a prince; nay, if you are really afraid, your best way is to look another way, and keep going on; for sometimes if you stop, and stand still, and look steadily at him, he takes it for an affront; but if you throw or toss any thing at him, and it hits him, though it were but a bit of a stick, as big as your finger, he takes it for an affront, and sets all his other business aside to pursue his revenge; for he will have satisfaction in point of honour; that is his first quality: the next is, that if he be once affronted, he will never leave you, night or day, till he has his revenge; but follows at a good round rate, till he overtakes you.


Hurriedly from their holes to see what the row was about. 'Onion-sauce!Onion-sauce!' he remarked jeeringly, and was gone before they could think of a


That I would mention only one thought that comes to me as a listener-in: the riders in race do not stop short when they reach the goal, there is a little finishing canter before coming to a standstill, there is time to hear the kind voice of friends, and to say to oneself, the work is done.


Not having done physical exercise for some time, I found myself a little low-spirited and couldn't study efficiently, so I decided to do some running the next day.


His gray stallion, Mirador, trotted at an easy pace along the winding hunting path.


Without waiting for any further questioning, our visitor bolted out of the room almost as precipitately as he had entered


Modern Quickstep uses advanced patterns including hops and runs with lots of speed and rotation.


We did all of the ballroom dances, quickstep, fox-trot, tango and waltz.


Proper Schipperke movement is a smooth, well coordinated and graceful trot (basically double tracking at a moderate speed), with a tendency to gradually converge toward the center of balance beneath the dog as speed increases.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
