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与 孔子思想 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An analysis of the above helps to take the mean doctrine principle as Confucius' logic ideology and his basic strategy.


Although his conception of history was feudally historical idealism, Xun Zi carried on and developed Confucius' thought of ruling the state with proprieties and ceremonies; he criticized and absorbed those scholars' thoughts in pre-Qin times; he made a thorough research into the deep intension of the propriety and ceremony system from humane and historic angle, meanwhile he expanded the system' s extension from the latitude of society, politics, human life, and morality.


In a remote mountain area near Katmandu, Jean- Francois Revel, the French thinker once held a conversation with his son, Matthieu Ricard who had converted to Buddism. It was a collision between Buddism and Western thinking. The Analects of Confucius, a record of conversations between Confucius and his disciples, has been teaching later generations justice, ethics and learning strategies. The great philosopher Socartes did not write any book during his life. All we have are the conversations he made which were recorded by his disciples Plato and Xenophon.

在尼泊尔靠近加德满都的一座小山的僻静处,法国思想家让-朗索瓦·勒维尔( Jean- Francois Revel )与他皈依佛教的儿子马蒂厄·里卡尔展开了谈话,那意味着一场关于佛教与西方思想的碰撞;《论语》记录了孔子与弟子们的谈话,那里有正义、道德、治学……;大哲学家苏格拉底一生没有著作,他的思想是弟子柏拉图和色若芬记下的他的谈话,并因此得以流传。

The philosopher at the center of this second overlooked story is Confucius, who has been making an extraordinary comeback in a land where, within living memory, he was officially excoriated as a retrograde thinker.


Confucius attached importance to people's sensibility in field of management, not only hold people in behavior, but also think over their mentalities.


It inherited the ethical thoughts from Confucius and absorbed knowledge from the Legalists' legal thoughts as well.


Or "After you!" In this way we can establish some kind of meaningful connection between the thought of Confucius and the thought of Lévinas.


Confucius spent the last years of his life teaching, spreading his thoughts and wisdom to his growing number of disciples and transmitting his words through a set of books called Five Classics, which include Yijing, the Book of Changes.


Actually, Wang Anshi draws lessons from the Legalists" human nature theory of pre-Qin period, andcombines their "self-benefit" with Confucius" thought, then he put forward his theory that nature is not good or evil and nature can be good or evil.


As an important part of the whole Confucian ideological system, the Confucian literary idedogy, whose fate in the 20 century is just like that of its founder, Confucius, shows unique fascinations in the process of being interpreted. But at the same time, misunderstandings, distortions, even total negation and extreme honor often appear as well.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
