英语人>网络例句>太空 相关的搜索结果


与 太空 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Salt is another bugaboo ." nasa is in a dilemma about salt ," says hunter . it makes food taste good , but too much can speed bone loss , which is already a problem in space


Subsequent, longer exposure observations indeed show that the lenticular galaxy is surrounded by a clumpy, never-before-seen ring of stars.


We will develop basing infrastructure of Black Sea Fleet both in Crimea and in Russia. We do not plan to close up the BSF, the matter is only development, he said.


Possibly bored by the banal baubles of mundane Mother Earth or inspired by the dashing derring-do of such pioneers as first American in space Alan Shepard and first millionaire in space Dennis Tito, the poll says 7 percent of rich Americans would pay $20 million for a two-week orbital flight and 19 percent would pay $100,000 for 15-minute sub-orbital flight.


Meets down, black area senior official black Germany graceful leads human interspace formation with "star tyrant" the machine interspace formation launched the strength disparately actually to fill for the first time changes the technique the outer space to attack the war, really was makes one expect with difficulty, humanity's first large-scale outside outer space combat, was not and own, also was not and in any fable alien flying saucer fleet perhaps other outside living matter, but was and own pains creation robot combat, thinks really was some play color and own makes fun of own frustrates the feeling.


To study the efficacity of space-induced towards the Artemia sinica spawn and select individuals with big genetic differences to propagate,this paper collect totally 59 space-induced and control Artemia sinic to carry out the genetic diversity inspection and relative's analyses using four sets of AFLP selective primers for amplification.


The propitious esculent, heexplains, is likely to feature in the diets of space-farers who willhave to grow their own food.


Chiang Kai-shek made April 12, 1927 Shanghai action "IV. January 2 "coup. April 12, 1941 anti-Japanese base areas and these losses so weight. April 12, 1945 President Roosevelt died. April 12, 1945 Truman became President. April 12, 1946 traitor Chen Gongbo sentenced to death. 1981 4 First space shuttle Columbia on the 12th on the first launch. April 12, 1986 China started to push Bank nine-year compulsory education system. April 12, 1992 opening of Euro Disney Resort in France. 1 April 1996 2 Japan's Mazda, Ford Motor Company acquired the company. April 12, 1998 Pingju Opera performing artists new phoenix - death on April 12, 1961 the first humans into space Yaoyou space-Gagarin first Five of the Soviet astronaut Gagarin into space in high-risk falling in the East on the 1st spacecraft weight. April 12, 1961 at 9:00 Moscow time 0700 launched The maximum height of 310 km in orbit around the earth, lasted one hour and 29 minutes. at 10:55 landed in the Soviet Union.

一二政变·1941年4月12日日军扫荡使冀鲁豫根据地损失严重·1945年4月12日美国总统罗斯福逝世·1945年4月12日杜鲁门就任美国总统·1946年4月12日汉奸陈公博被判死刑·1981年4月12日第一架航天飞机哥伦比亚号首次上天·1986年4月12日中国开始推行9年制义务教育·1992年4月12日欧洲迪斯尼乐园在法国揭幕·1996年4月12日日本马自达公司被美国福特汽车公司兼并·1998年4月12日评剧表演艺术家新凤霞逝世 1961年4月12日人类首次邀游太空进入太空的第一人-加加林第一个进入宇宙空间的苏联航天员加加林所乘的10395磅重的东方1号航天飞船,于1961年4月12日莫斯科时间9时7分发射,在最大高度为310公里的轨道上绕地球一周,历时1小时29分,于上午10时55分降落在苏联境内。

It's become man's first outpost, our first footstep in space.


The Goddard Center for Astrobiology is a part of the NASA Astrobiology Institute.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
