英语人>网络例句>名称地 相关的搜索结果


与 名称地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The reporter logs onto information of domestic industrial and commercial company to inquire a system yesterday (Www.mingsuo.com) discovery, the platform of electronic business affairs that adopts identity test and verify and enterprise are at the back of its company name test and verify of all alone of name of pensile and gules icon, the user should click this icon only, can examine the information of industrial and commercial identity of this enterprise after passing test and verify onlinely in real time.


We thank God that in this congregation we have many gifted musicians and singers, helping us to worship with joy. When we worship here, we use organ, piano, synthesizer, drums, timpani, and instruments I don't even know what they are.


Chopin completed his Polonaise-Fantasy in 1846, a work in which he combined the title polonaise and fantasy specifically for the first time.


The format and storage of your documents must protect a document from being rendered unreadable due to wear or damage and that every document can be clearly identified through a title, document number or other suitable identification.


Dispatch of new wall bulletin at the beginning of 2007, business of 4 big telegraphic operation ever experienced an IM upsurge, mobile, UniCom and net reduction of fractions to a common denominator are not rolled out " flying letter "," exceed a letter " and " sharp letter ", guess in people telecommunication prepares to abandon this one market generally when, chinese telecommunication is incompact however roll out the IM software with an expatiatory name slow --, wide happy communication.

新快报讯 2007年初,国内四大电信运营商曾经历了一场IM热潮,移动、联通和网通分别推出"飞信"、"超信"和"灵信",就在人们普遍猜测电信准备放弃这一块市场的时候,中国电信却不紧不慢地推出一款名称冗长的IM软件———宽乐通信。

In truth, Linnaeus's genius consists not so much in the resoluteness with which he places man among the primates as in the irony with which he does not record-as he does with the other species-any specific identifying characteristic next to the generic name Homo, only the old philosophical adage: nosce te ipsum {know yourself }.


And while it's pretty much impossible to put a name or a face to whomever built the very first skateboard, early skateboards were probably no more complex - or were just as simple (depending on how you want to look at it)- as wooden boards with roller skate wheels attached to the bottom.


It has already managed to make a name for itself and shows enough potential to outdo its sister casino, Rushmore casino , according to some of the latest reviews.


The origin of the name of the San Andreas Fault is often cited as the San Andreas Lake.


Scorpio the Scorpion is a Spring constellation with an astronomical name of Scorpius, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of June.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
