英语人>网络例句>参加活动 相关的搜索结果


与 参加活动 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In consideration of being allowed to participate in all phases of activities and events of the Outdoor, including, but not limited to, hiking, inline skating, mountain biking, rowing, rafting, scuba diving, caving, camping, back packing, ice climbing, downhill skiing, snow boarding, cross-country skiing, snow shoeing, tobogganing and ice skating, I do hereby waive, release and forever discharge the Outdoor and its officers, agents, employees, representatives, and all others from any and all responsibilities of liability from injuries or damages resulting from my participation in any activities or use of equipment in the above mentioned activities


In consideration of being allowed to participate in all phases of activities and events of the COC, including, but not limited to, hiking, inline skating, mountain biking, rowing, rafting, scuba diving, caving, camping, back packing, ice climbing, downhill skiing, snow boarding, cross-country skiing, snow shoeing, tobogganing and ice skating, I do hereby waive, release and forever discharge the COC and its officers, agents, employees, representatives, and all others from any and all responsibilities of liability from injuries or damages resulting from my participation in any activities or use of equipment in the above mentioned activities


All of whom are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Releasees."


And it got favorable receptions by various circles and medias, eft them very wonderful memory.


We opened the campus radio, teacher Zhan Ming-ying, and broadcasters, correspondents dedicated the beautiful audio-visual works with perseverance to everyone; we have compiled and published our own newspaper,"Journal of LQ Middle School"; our blackboard newspaper, and cultural fields are more standardized and regular ; we have organized the celebration of "Women's Day" and Teacher's Day, We organized faculty members to go out for inspection, carried out teachers and staffs Red song concerts; we held exchange activitives with No.5 Middle School of Anqing, Changling secondary schools, Taihu Dashi secondary school, LQ primary school, Bohu primary school; we held a school-based training courseware, organized all the teachers listened to local experts, Yang Jiedong's thematic reports, teacher Wei Shusheng's video report, organized the head teachers to listen to the national top video of the head teacher report , organized the teacher to Nanjing and Shanghai and Anqing Teachers College in groups for refresher training, seriously at all levels of teaching and research activities; officially formed a faculty basketball team and on behalf of LQ village took part in the county's National Day competition; teacher Zhu Hongmin and Xu Chunming represented our school to take part in "springs Cup" Table Tennis competition; we brought in the dance team of the county college for the old to perform; we held the graduation ceremony of the 2009 session; we hold regularly the reading and speaking contest for students, the English showing, the teachers Courseware competition, young and middle-class high-quality math and English classes Contest quality; we hold table tennis competition, successfully held the second session of the school track and field sports; General League branch, and students' union held activities to commemorate the earthquake in Wenchuan and commemorate teacher Li Jinhua , has organized fund-raising activities for many times; branch of the Praty, Representatives of the staffs, General branch of the League, and students union held a successful general election; Organized CDC of county and township hospitals for free medical examinations for students, extensively carried out the publicity of combating TB and the prevention and control and we have safely passed in 2009!


Ever since swine flu had hit England I stopped taking Chloe to all the playgroups and most of the public cafes and department stores.


Language in the Visual C ++ program to prepare the small company's management wages Data Structures Using C language simulation of the car park management, vehicle output reached, departure time and location C language environment in Turbo C 2.0 calculator program to prepare the basic functions, and provide visual interface SQL server database and the use of VC ++"student information management system" 2007,"Higher Education's Cup" National Mathematical Contest in Modeling (China's population growth projections) were third prizes Hubei Division Zhongnan University of Nationalities in 2006 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (the company's best production programme) won by their schools China and South Africa in 2007 by the national schools "Innovation Capability honorary title" 2006 "click space of a series of activities Poetry Speech Competition" The Excellence Awards 2006 - 2007 Zhongnan University of Nationalities professional third prizes August 2007 through selected to participate in the summer school mathematical modeling training September 2007 in "Higher Education's Cup" National Mathematical Contest in Modeling May 2006 Zhongnan University of Nationalities Mathematical Contest in Modeling Participate in the 2006 ACM Programming Contest 2006 Computer Science Institute participate in the "Click space series of activities," Poetry Speech Competition 2006 National University and South Africa to participate in "Click space series of activities," Program Design Contest China and South Africa in 2005 to join the University of the nation "Table Tennis Association"

++语言在Visual C++环境下编写程序实现小型公司的工资管理数据结构使用C 语言模拟停车场管理问题,输出汽车到达、离开时间及位置 C 语言在Turbo C 2.0环境下编写程序实现计算器的基本功能,并提供可视化界面数据库使用SQL server及VC++实现&学生信息管理系统& 2007年&高教社杯&全国大学生数学建模竞赛获湖北赛区三等奖 2006年中南民族大学数学建模竞赛(汽车公司的最佳生产方案)获学校一等奖 2007年获中南民族大学校&创新能手&荣誉称号 2006年&点击空间系列活动之诗歌演讲比赛&获优秀奖 2006年-2007年中南民族大学专业三等奖 2007年8月经过选拔参加学校暑期数学建模培训 2007年9月参加&高教社杯&全国大学生数学建模竞赛 2006年5月中南民族大学数学建模竞赛 2006年参加ACM程序设计大赛 2006年参加计算机科学学院&点击空间系列活动&之诗歌演讲比赛 2006年参加中南民族大学&点击空间系列活动&之程序设计大赛 2005年加入中南民族大学&乒乓球协会&

Meanwhile, Buzz-Oven is building relations with other brands such as the Dallas Observer newspaper and McDonald's Chipotle restaurants, which kicks in free food for Buzzer volunteers who promote the shows.


A construction or form in the active voice.


We put our three-year-olds together in day-care center, our 13-year-olds in school and sports activities, and our 80-year-olds in senior-citizen homes. Why?


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
