英语人>网络例句>助长的 相关的搜索结果


与 助长的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"I have been blessed with so much, and I cannot sit by and do nothing when so many innocent and vulnerable people in our society are killed or demeaned every day," said Anne Funk, a student at CatholicUniversity. Someone once said,'All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.

我身在福中,然而,每天在我们的社会中,有如此多无辜、脆弱的人遭到杀害或贬低,我无法坐视不管,』一名天主教大学的学生Anne Funk说道,『曾有人说过,「好人袖手旁观,正是助长邪恶胜利的要素。

If we are too apologetic about globalization, we can feed core irrationalities, instead of taming them.


In Rishi he suggests that by purveying short-term cures but ignoring long-term prevention, the typical Western physician "was fostering a diseased system and beyond that, a diseased world …."


F 促进,ˋf st In Rishi he suggests that by purveying short-term cures but ignoring long-term prevention, the typical Western physician was fostering a diseased system and beyond that, a diseased world….

& 在《哲人归来》一书中,他认为一般的西方医生大量提供短期的治疗,却忽略长期的预防,等于是&助长一个病态的系统,甚至于病态的世界。

That has thrown many people out of work in Venezuela's border state of Táchira, aggravating a climate of lawlessness there.


All design process of two microwave ovens products were finished considering of the individuality fashion of the electrical appliances product design by using large-type CAD/CAM software system UG.


Old school mates, people from parties and things like that, lots of 'randoms' who I sort of knew as friends of friends, ex-boyfriends – for some reason they think it's a good way to re-introduce themselves – and of course my friends who got me on there in the first place.


Whether among German Pietists, the followers of John Wesley into Methodism, or any number of Roman Catholic or Protestant movements of devotion, there grew the notion that the theologians would never find the essence of Christianity.


The fires, fanned by desert winds called Santa Anas , are being fueled by tinder-dry brush following a hot summer and record drought .

易燃干燥的灌木丛,再加上炎热的夏季和有史以来的干旱,在沙漠风 Santa Anas 的影响下助长了这场火势。

IV. It is not perfect that the system of wielding limitation of voting power about the system of cumulative voting, the system of excluding the voting power of interested stockholders and the system of non-voting power stocks. It doesnt recognize that the voting power binds efficacy of the agreement, which feeds the breeding and growing of supremacy actions in some degree.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
