英语人>网络例句>前夜 相关的搜索结果


与 前夜 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The president, Lee Myung-bak, flew off to Abu Dhabi on the eve of the decision to gladhand the locals, promising to help the barren statelet recreate South Korea's economic miracle.


Along with his unique tomfoolery, Mr. Kaye makes a serious appeal to youngsters in his whistle-stop tour just before Halloween.


Airbus has so far secured 10 orders for its A350 twin-engined jet compared with 266 for Boeing's 787. It is due to announce 100 more orders this week, although there are now serious doubts about whether the Emirates and Qatar Airlines will go ahead.


I was rebuffed and I spent a grim and tragic Christmas Eve in those most unchristian surroundings.


On every eve of Vesuvian eruption There are always people identifying unidentified flying object lingering Is that you Romeo on the arch of a meteor Wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?

白乐天 你终于抱剑倒下了和衣倒在她长发如苔的石枕旁不如归去的凄鸣应和着晚祷的钟声小教堂藏经的密室里神父那呆滞的眼睛仍发着绿光多少世纪了地中海的咸涩没能风蚀那石屋的厚墙外面的人传说他早已闭关成蛹了每当维苏威火山爆发前夜总有人目击维洛那上空有来历不明的物体盘旋是你吗罗密欧驾着流星的弧线难道你就这样离开我不给我些许满足?

In 3G night before last, extend antenna to domain of mobile phone video, it is a well-advised choice undoubtedly.


Kaye makes a serious appeal to youngsters in his whistle-stop tour just before Halloween.


On the eve of the revolution, financial crisis gripped the government of Louis XVI.


The year is crammed with occasions to celebrate, starting with the New Year's Eve carnival, ending with the stylish Christmas market – the finest in the Alps-Adriatic region – and events in-between including the Easter market, the Carinthian valleys festival, the international 'Smart' car meeting, the old town magic festival, and countless other artistic, cultural and sporting events.

这里每年都充满了各种庆祝的场合,从新年前夜的狂欢开始到风格各异的圣诞节市场-在Alps-Adriatic州是最好的-还包括复活节市场的各种活动,Carinthian valleys节,国际微型车展会,老城魔术节,还有数不清的各种艺术节和文化体育盛会。

In America, on Christmas Eve, children will hang stockings and hope that Santa Klaus will fill it with candies and toys. Sixth, caroling.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
