英语人>网络例句>冰 相关的搜索结果

与 冰 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stop off on the way home tonight to get a double dip ice cream cone.


And Xu Bing continues to show infatuated with the right words, and his "million tree" signature inscribed or Double Dutch, the picture is a Chinese character.


It's all downy softness and noise in a crowded cr che of emperor penguins in Antarctica.


It's all downy softness and noise in a crowded creche of emperor penguins in Antarctica.


The Ice Dozer Plus is definitely our top of the line.

泽 Plus是肯定我们的首要行。

Far over the ice, between the hemlock woods and snow-clad hills, stands the pickerel-fisher, his lines set in some retired cove, like a Finlander, with his arms thrust into the pouches of his dreadnaught; with dull, snowy, fishy thoughts, himself a finless fish, separated a few inches from his race, dumb, erect, and made to be enveloped in clouds and snows, like the pines on shore.


Ice expected to drift away in your position.


Without enough drift ice to cool the water and sustain the ecosystem, the fish population has been decreasing.


However, recently eyewitnesses say drift ice now melts in as little as one week.


Global warming is beginning to affect the northern Japanese region of Hokkaido, with melting drift ice being one of the more noticeable effects of climate change.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
