英语人>网络例句>偶然发现 相关的搜索结果


与 偶然发现 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I came across this cool design. The designer creates a very metal feeling interior with tinfoil.


If you're like me, you occasionally find the ubiquitous mouse inconvenient.


As this is an authentic, unvarnished insiders' tour, in a "live" working environment, you'll never know what or whom you may run into!


The fable has ashepherd, is tending sheep, the alight his sheep vivaciously danceswith joy, careful as soon as looked, the original sheep was eats onekind of red fruit only then to cause the manner funnily to be strange.


The word serendipity was first used by Horace Walpole in a letter dated Jan.

单词"serendipity"(偶然发现有价值物品的才能)首次被Horace Walpole在1754年1月28日信中使用。

In course of sinking the welt - shaft they came upon a deposit of a very rare mineral.


About two weeks ago when I was head over heels in love with Neruda's poetry, I came across this poem. It was written for his object of affection, Albertina Rosa Azócar in his youth. They met when studying French in Santiago's Pedagogical Institute at the age of 16 or 17. Soon the morose and quiet Albertina sparked passionate flames in the young boy. She was his muse for many lyrical texts and poems for more than 10 years. The most famous ones would be Veinte Poemas de Amor y Une Cancion Desesperada, Twenty Love Poems and a Desperate Song . Even in 1927, after he traveled to countries like Burma, Ceylon, Java and Singapore to work in dark consular positions, he kept writing to Albertina in postcards, hotel letter paper, napkins, loose-leaf pages. She didn't respond to his love with as much passion. In 1930, he began to form a friendship with Mary Antoinette Haagenar from Holland when transferred to Java. Despite her coldness and lack of interest in poetry, he decided to marry her in December of the same year out of solitude in the remote island. It was not known how Albertina felt about Neruda's marriage, but she was married to ngel Cruchaga Santamaría, who was also a poet, five years later.

前几周当我不可自拔地沉迷於聂鲁达的诗作之际,偶然发现了这首诗,这是诗人写给年少时爱恋的对象阿贝蒂娜(Albertina Rosa Azócar),他们在十六七岁就读於圣地牙哥师院的法文系时相识,之后聂鲁达便展开了长达十多年的爱恋,他为阿贝蒂娜写下许多情诗、文章和信件,其中包括最有名的「二十首情诗和一首悲歌」,甚至在1927年之后,他去到许多亚洲国家如缅甸、锡兰、爪哇和新加坡担任秘密外交特使,他把对阿贝蒂娜的思念写在明信片、餐巾纸、活页纸、旅馆信纸上,但是内向沉静的阿贝蒂娜并未回以同等的热情,於是在1930年,身处异乡的聂鲁达遇见来自荷兰的玛莉哈格纳,虽然她是冰山美女,也无法分享聂鲁达对诗的喜爱,他们在同年12月结婚,阿贝蒂娜对聂鲁达婚事的反应没有任何记载,不过五年之后她也迈入婚姻,嫁给同为诗人的圣塔马利亚(ngel Cruchaga Santamaría)。

Nine patients were female and one male (ages 31-77, average 52 years). Six patients presented parenchymal vascular lesions (1 angiosarcoma, 1 atypical hemangioma, 3 perilobular hemangiomas, 1 cavernous hemangioma) measuring 0.5-6 cm in the greatest diameter. Two lesions were accidental findings in lumpectomy specimens excised for fibrocystic disease with microcalcifications. Four patients presented non-parenchymal vascular lesions: three cavermous hemangiomas and one angiolipoma measuring 1-6 cm in diameter.


Hard to define but easy to enjoy, The Men Who Stare at Goats is the preposterous yet more-true-than-not story of a small-town journalist named Bob Wilton who, trying to prove himself in Iraq, stumbles upon a man named Lyn Cassady who claims to be a psychic spy for the US Army.


New Mexico near an ancient archeological site, called Chaco Canyon.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
