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This deprives the children of an experience of death, an experience very important to one's life.


Yes. To spin an infamous old phrase of mine, being kited forever isn't fun.


Mr. Obamas base is not only more hostile to some of his policies, but far less patient should he make unpopular decisions.


You know she comes only once a week and Brian was just sitting there,watching TV.I got realy angry.He didn't even know he'd outstayed his welcome.


You know she comes only once a week and Brian was just sitting there,watching TV.I got realy angry.He didnt even know hed outstayed his welcome.


A:yes.like last friday,my girl came by.you know she comes only once a week and brian was just sitting there,watching tv.i got realy angry.he didn't even know he'd outstayed his welcome.


I think the answer is living for the person who are afraid of being themselves,especially at my age.their fear of being unpopular and left out overpowers their dream of becoming the strong and unique people they are.


Politics could have been the destructive element for Graham, since he started his rise in the age of Eisenhower and for a time was a fervent red hunter, an admirer of Senator Joe McCarthy and an overall basher of the left, as here in a radio broadcast of 1953:"While nobody likes a watchdog, and for that reason many investigation committees are unpopular, I thank God for men who, in the face of public denouncement and ridicule, go loyally on in their work of exposing the pinks, the lavenders and the reds who have sought refuge beneath the wings of the American eagle and from that vantage point try in every subtle, undercover way to bring comfort, aid and help to the greatest enemy we have ever known - communism."

自从Graham在艾森豪时代的崛起,而且一度是位狂热的激进主义者,他一直摆脱不出政治的纠缠,他崇拜参议员Joe McCarthy并且赞同对左派的痛击,就像他在1953年的广播节目中所说的:&当没有人喜欢看门狗的时候,许多检调单位将不受欢迎,我认为上帝对一个面对公众谴责与悉落的人来说,忠诚地出现在他们接触左派思想的工作上,同时对于在美国这头巨鹰的双翼下找寻庇护以及在微细处找寻有利位置的人而言,暗中替他们带来信心,以及帮助我们面对前所未有的敌人—共产主义。&

Being the bearer of bad news is never pleasant, but with a rough-looking character like the man in front of me, I didn't know what to expect.


It is disturbing that you have not got the rock-firm fame of loyalty before 35 and you will not be popular among the people around your career.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
