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与 不受欢迎 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"It was his peculiar doctrine that a man has a perfect right to interfere by force with the slaveholder, in order to rescue the slave". To tamper is to interfere by making unsought, unwelcome, often destructive changes or by trying to influence another in an improper way

"他有一个奇特的宗旨,即为了解救奴隶,一个人有绝对权利以武力来干涉奴隶主"。tamper 是通过造成未经请求的、不受欢迎、经常为毁坏性的变化或试图通过不恰当的方式影响他人来进行干涉

It was his peculiar doctrine that a man has a perfect right to interfere by force with the slaveholder, in order to rescue the slaveHenry David Thoreau.Totamperis to interfere by making unsought, unwelcome, often destructive changes or by trying to influence another in an improper way


It was his peculiar doctrine that a man has a perfect right to interfere by force with the slaveholder,in order to rescue the slaveHenry David Thoreau.To tamper is to interfere by making unsought,unwelcome,often destructive changes or by trying to influence another in an improper way


"He got a significant crossover vote in the Republican suburbs," admits Mr Daniels. But he goes on to say:"Those people did not become French in the last five months." He argues that Mr Obama will lose the state in 2012 if he pursues what the governor derisively calls "shock and awe statism", such as the caps on carbon emissions that are so unpopular in coal-reliant Indiana.


Undesirability:the price-output relationship at equilibrium may not satisfy our macroeconomic goods.


It may create an undesirable price image , and it doesn't consider the competition.


Just let DTarasov BlackList block undesired calls and sms and you'll never be disturbed.


Reporters are particularly unwelcome, but even customers do not always know what is going on.


In the 1970s he took the view, which he recognised as dissenting, that international trade should be, as he put it,"in some sense, managed" through import controls, adding unpersuasively that this was not really protectionism, since he did not want to reduce imports, merely the propensity to import; and protection should be "as minimally selective as possible".


Insidiously adv.: This kind of advertising acts insidiously on young minds.That insidious man bad-mouthed me to almost everyone else.

关于only to加动词的表达,这是一个固定结构,&only + to do&意为&……,结果却……&,这种不定式经常用来描写出乎意料的或者是不受欢迎的事件。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
