英语人>网络例句>上坡 相关的搜索结果


与 上坡 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This morning you have the chance to put on your walking shoes and take an energetic climb to the top of the escarpment to enjoy the breathtaking views of the South Alligator Valley.


The elderly are tend to flex hip joint more and use hip extensor muscle to propel the body forward.


Unexpectedly the car is in uphill when flameout.


While Fresno State is a good mid-major, they face a big uphill fight when you look at their schedule.


Interestingly, on Pentonville Road, leading uphill from King's Cross to the Angel, there is a small park named after Joseph Grimaldi (1779 - 1837) the father of modern circus clowning, who was buried in this former churchyard http://www.its-behind-you.com/grimaldi.html .

有趣的是,在从国王十字车站到天使车站上坡的本顿维尔监狱路上,有一个小的公园以现代马戏团小丑之父约瑟夫·格里莫迪(Joseph Grimaldi,1779- 1837)命名,他埋葬在从前这里的墓地( http://www.its-behind-you.com/grimaldi.html )。

Coming along the downhill road from the heliport, you can find an uphill road to Chilseongdae.


Performance when there is "lean uphill","downhill back seat" and "ma shi qian ti " and other maneuvers, through performances and queue transform, or at or relieve the shortness of the sound of gongs and drums, Horseshoe sonorous, bell sound, horsewhip spinner , you come to me, exquisite performances were put lifelike characters, vividly.


A man's true life is the way in which he puts off the lie imposed by others on him. Stripped, naked, natural, he is what he is. This is a matter of being, and not of becoming. The lie cannot become the truth, the personality cannot become your soul. There is no way to make the nonessential the essential.


Hole strategy:Shot by aiming at the bunker on the left of the green, with 2nd shot up hill.


Danner Boulder TF outsole employs multi-directional center lugs and traditional outer lugs for a failsafe pattern that gets you comfortably and safely to your destination's uphill, downhill or on a sidehill.

Danner Boulder TF outsole 利用多方位中心横纹和传统外部横纹,让您舒适和安全到达上坡,下坡或斜坡目的地

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
