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与 tsar 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rasputin exercised some strong hypnotic power over the Tsar and his wife.


As a part of country machine Orthodox Church, the national religion of Russia, was being Tsar regnant tool.


On receiving this communication, the Tsar sent Prince Volkonsky with the following rescript to Kutuzov


But it came on the heels of a paper circulated by Barry McCaffrey, a retired general who was Bill Clinton's "drug tsar". General McCaffrey painted a grim picture in which the dangerous and worsening problems in Mexico…fundamentally threaten US national security.


The Tsar had only just fallen asleep, and so Savary had to wait.


A personal interview was, to the pride and rejoicing of the whole army, refused, and instead of the Tsar, Prince Dolgorukov, the general victorious in the action at Vishau, was despatched with Savary to undertake negotiations with Napoleon, if these negotiations―contrary to expectation―were founded on a real desire for peace.


They followed Prince Dolgorukov out into the corridor and met (coming out of the door of the Tsar's room at which Dolgorukov went in) a short man in civilian dress with a shrewd face and a sharply projecting lower jaw, which, without spoiling his face, gave him a peculiar alertness and shiftiness of expression.


One courtier, with the single-hearted motive of retaining a lucrative position, would agree today with Pfuhl, and to-morrow with his opponents, and the day after to-morrow would declare that he had no opinion on the subject in question, simply to avoid responsibility and to gratify the Tsar.


Conversely, Tsar Peter the Great introduced a beard tax in 1705 in an attempt to encourage Russian men to smarten up and move with the rest of Europe from fuzzy-framed chops towards a fleshier faced freedom.


Furthermore, the time ofWitte's economic reform and Stolypin's agrarian reform was close to the time of Tsar regime's termination. Therefore, their reforms played vital roles in the development of the last phase of Imperial Russia.


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Tsar Bomba

Results showed that 0.01g/mL extract of Oxalis corniculata L. had obvious antimicrobial effect on S. aureus, but all extract of Oxalis corniculata L has not any antimicrobial effect on E.


This will be totally different from Zaro's texture mod, it will be desaturated, dirty etc.


This will be a major step forward for our country's aerospace technology.
