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The stronger-than-expected crush and domestic offtake combined with strong product exports and improving crush margins suggest that a 2008-09 crush of roughly 44.6 million tonnes is not high enough even though it is 136,000 tonnes more than USDA's projection.


They estimate this would allow the Omani outcrop, which extends down some 5km, alone to absorb some 4 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, which is a substantial part of the annual 30 billion or so tonnes of the gas that humans send into the atmosphere, mostly by burning fossil fuels.


But William Tankard, a senior metals analyst at GFMS, the London-based consultancy, estimates that western companies make up just 10 tonnes of China's total gold output of close to 300 tonnes a year.


Dorab Mistry, director of Godrej International, made the claim in an interview with Bloomberg News and predicted India would purchase 6.5 million tonnes of vegetable oils in the year ending October 2008, up from 5.6 million tonnes last year.

这一预测是Godrej International董事道罗布米斯奇在接受彭博新闻社采访时做出的。他还预测,印度在2008年度(于10月份结束)的植物油进口量将达到650万吨,高于上一年度的560万吨。

Pacific Northwest exports have totaled 4.19 million tonnes, up 1.09 million tonnes from last year's volume that was impacted by the West Coast longshore labor lockout.


India's imports of edible oils, in particular soyoil and palm oil, in May and June could be as high 570,000 tonnes with 700,000 tonnes a month expected from July onwards, Mistry said.


Officials say it will help reduce air pollution by 600 tonnes of respirable particles and 160,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year.


The report added that steel mills are ruing their decision to enhance their capacity by 100% during the past 5 years from 3.5 million tonnes to around 6.8 million tonnes on expectation of enhanced demand.

该报告补充说,钢厂是明其决定,以加强其能力的100 %,在过去5年,由350万吨至680万吨左右的预期增强的需求。

Dr Swick said that if the global feed market grew at its current rate of 2 per cent, the world would be producing 750 million tonnes of industrial feed by 2015 - up from its current level of 708 million tonnes.


It is also too small: it abates only 330m tonnes of CO2 per year, and billions of tonnes must be cut.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
