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与 strain 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You then can use the measured excitation voltage in the voltage-to-strain conversion to compensate for lead losses.


Strain PPC 7120 heterocyst differentiation and pattern formation

strain PCC7120异型胞分化与格式形成中分子调控机理的研究

We find thicker GaAs layer cause fewer variation of lattice constant that means lesser strain release.

由微米管的PL以及晶格常数估算的结果我们发现直径的改变来自於strain release的不同。

Both Jurassic Park and The Andromede Strain took up those themes.

侏罗纪公园和The Andromede Strain都采取了这一主题。

In this study, astroglia infected with TS-4 strain T. gondii tachyzoite and to investigate the changes of matrix metalloproteinase-12 (MMP-12) and its substrate elastin in the pathogenesis.

本研究我们利用弓虫速殖子(TS-4 strain)感染星状胶细胞的细胞模式进行研究,探讨基质金属蛋白-12(matrix metalloproteinase-12, MMP-12)和其受质弹性蛋白的变化之致病机转。

Chlororespiring, sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio dechloracetivorans strain SF3 is capable of dissimilatively reducing Fe, Cr and Co.

还原脱氯,脱硫细菌Desulfovibrio dechloracetivorans strain SF3可异化还原三价铁,六价铬和三价钴。

PART ONE Investigation of BDV Natural Infection of Domestic Fowls and Ducks in Chongqing Objective:To investigate the natural infection of Borna Disease Virus of domestic fowls and ducks in Chongqing and explore if the nucleotide sequence in BDV p24 was homophylic with the overseas strains, including standard Strain V and stain He/ 80 , detected from human and animals.

第一部分重庆地区家鸡和家鸭博尔纳病病毒自然感染状况研究目的:为了探讨重庆地区家鸡和家鸭博尔纳病病毒的自然感染状况,分析重庆地区家鸡和家鸭自然感染的BDV p24核苷酸序列与国外人和动物来源BDV分离株及其标准株Strain V和He/ 80的同源性。

The experiment mainly studies the ultra structure and biochemical component of the nematode-trapping fungus — Arthrobotrys oligospora strain A1 and discusses some irritant factors connecting with the production of the predacious organs.

本试验主要对捕食线虫性真菌——少孢节丛孢菌(Arthrobotrs oligospora strain A1)的超微结构和生化组成成分进行了研究,并对刺激捕食器产生的一些因素做了探讨。

Since the coefficient was added to equivalent strain energy density rule on the basis of the plastic deformation item of Neuber rule, the local stress and strain estimation results should be more accurate.

由于当量应变能密度(Equivalent strain energy density, ESED)准则在Neuber准则的塑性变形项上增加了系数,局部应力应变估计结果更为准确。

The change of cytoskeletal architecture of osteoblasts with Phalloidin strain actin filaments was visualized by confocal microscopy The results showed: 1 the secretion of estrogen were depressed and bone mass were decressed and biomechanic properties of bone were impaired in osteoporotic rats at 3 months after ovariectomy .

在1 000μstrain力学刺激下,成骨细胞integrinα2,β1,β3的表达量出现上调;在4 000μstrain力学刺激下,成骨细胞integrinα2,β1,β3的表达量明显上调,成骨细胞合成骨基质的能力与增殖活性增加。

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The Strain
Lunar Strain
Human Strain
Can't Strain My Brain
The Purest Strain Of Hate

For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
