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与 soundbite 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Soundbite: Cheng Cunjie, curator of the Guangzhou Museum: Traded for export, the articles developed their own aesthetics quite different from the domestic market.


SOUNDBITE: Guo Xianqiang, an exhibitor This sun-block paint cost more than 200,000 yuan (29,300 U.S. dollars)a kilo when it first came out.


SOUNDBITE: Guo Xianqiang, an exhibitor This sun-block paint cost more than 200,000 yuan (29,300 U.S. dollars)a kilo when it first came out. Now, people can get it with a little more than 10 yuan for the cheapest.

一个展览者Guo Xianqiang声音提示:这个防晒霜首次面世时价格超过20万(29300美元),现在太便宜了,人们只要10元多一点就可以买到。

In film and broadcasting, a soundbite is a very short piece of footage taken from a longer speech or an interview in which someone with authority or the average "man on the street" says something which is considered by those who edit the speech or interview to be the most important point.

Sound bite 中文怎么说?上网查了一下,好像还没有共识,连比较贴切的译法都没有看到。"语音片段"从意思上说是对的,但放进文句里不好理解,要表达清楚,恐怕要多加一些补充文字,如:"广播中摘录播放的讲话片段越来越短"。

Is layered with pianos and Chaplin cries out,"Stranded in the wrong time/Where love is just a lyric in a childrens rhyme, a soundbite."


Whitehall sources told The Times that ministers were "fizzing" with anger, accusing the ONS of a political act designed to embarrass Gordon Brown over his "British jobs for British workers" soundbite.


At one point, the NLC deliberately juxtaposes quotes from one of the plant's workers with a soundbite from the CEO of Microsoft


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
