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与 salt 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Preparation of the cathode includes:shaping under the press of 40Mpa, sintering at 550℃for 1 hour and at 900℃for 8 hours and threading with molybdenum bar; Considering the literatures we choose CaCl2 as salt for preparation titanium. Pretreatment of salt is for 1 hour at 100℃and for 2 hours at 300℃. Partial pressure of oxygen which need lower than 5.11×10-7Pa to reduct titanium oxides and hygroscopic property of salt need a sealed equipment to electrolyse. And finally successfully designed a satisfied one and the results show that the equipment can be satisfied the requirment of the experiment. Flow of the inert gas is 1.5L/min, the voltage is 2.8 V, temperature is 850℃and time is 2 hours during pre-electrolysis. Flow of the inert gas is 0.2L/min, the voltage is 3.1 V, temperature is 900℃and time changes with the mass of TiO2 during electrolysis, namely the greater need the longer time; To eliminate influence of salt and other impurities, the products need to wash with distilled water and dilute chlorhydric acid , then wash with dilute hydrochloric acid under supersonic wave assistant. Finally, electrometical properties of the electrolysis of TiO2 is researched by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry, and results show that there are two main reodox steps, namely from TiO2 to TiO and from TiO to Ti.

阴极制备主要包括40MPa压力下模压成型、两段式烧结(1小时内升至550℃保温1小时,再1小时升温至900℃保温8小时)及烧结后TiO2块打孔用钼棒串接三个主要环节;实验中选用CaCl2作为电解熔盐,并对其进行预处理(100℃,保温1小时; 300℃,保温2小时);经热力学计算,还原钛氧化物的氧分压至少要低于5.11×10-7Pa,结合电解过程中所用熔盐CaCl2有极强的吸水性的特点,电解装置应有较高的密封性,自行设计了一套密封性可靠的电解装置,便于实验过程中熔盐预处理和氧分压的控制;通过干燥处理预电解过程中Ar流量大约为1.5L/min、电压为2.8 V、温度为850℃、时间为2小时,电解过程中Ar流量大约为0.2L/min、电压为3.1V、温度为900℃,实验结果表明电解时间与TiO2质量密切相关,质量越大需要电解的时间越长;通过自来水冲洗—稀盐酸浸泡、洗涤—在超声波辅助作用下稀盐酸洗涤,可减少熔盐及其它杂质对电解产物检测结果的影响;最后,通过循环伏安法、计时电流法对电解机理的研究,确定电解还原TiO2制备金属钛主要经历了TiO2-TiO-Ti的过程。

The invention relates to a way to prepare nickel, manganum and cobalt hydroxide. The method includes making the mixed solution a coprecipitate with mixed solution B in base solution C. The mixed solution A contains nickel salt, manganese salt and cobalt salt, the mixed solution B is a strong base solution, the base solution C is aqueous ammonia solution. The solution A also contains ammonium salt while solution B also contains aqueous ammonia; besides, after being mixed, the molarity of ammonia in solution A and solution B is the same with that in solution C.


The relationships between root length of Salsola implica, Halocnemum strobilaceum and Kalidium foliatum seedlings and soil salt concentration are significant, but the relationship between the number of lateral roots of Suaeda linifolia seedlings is significantly negative, the tall, fresh weigh and the number of leaves of Suaeda linifolia and Salsola implicata are almost normal distribution in the range of soil salt concentration, the optimum salt concentration is 0.27-0.89% and 0.16-0.36% respectively; The growth of Halocnemum strobilaceum and Kalidium foliatum seedlings are poor in high salt soil.


Examination of the equilibrium status of a point in the salt water zone and the description of piezometric heads at two points in both the salt water and fresh water zones reveals that the location of the fresh water-salt water interface in a coastal homogeneous, isotropic unconfined aquifer can be estimated based on piezometric heads at two points in the same vertical line tapping respectively the salt water zone and the fresh water zone (from the water table to the interface) when the groundwater flow system is in a steady state and satisfies the Dupuit assumption.


The Ca2+ salt solution as a new regenerant was presented in this paper. The influences of the calcium salt proportioning, temperature, dosage and flow rate on anion exchange fiber regeneration were studied. High regeneration can be obtained with 0.5 mol/L CaCl2+8 g/L CaO+6.5 °Bx sucrose solution at 70~80 ℃, the dosage of the Ca2+ salt solution was about half of the raw decoloring syrup, the regenerant flow rate should be lower than that of the raw decoloring syrup. It was shown that stable decolorization rate and lower decline in exchange capacity could be achieved with the new regenerant. It performed more effectively than the traditional sodium salt regenerant with less discharge of waste water.

选用二价钙离子蔗糖溶液为再生剂,再生蔗糖脱色后的强碱性阴离子交换纤维,研究了再生液的配比、再生温度、再生液用量、再生液流速等因素对再生效果的影响,结果表明配比为0.5 mol/L CaCl2+8 g/L CaO+6.5 °Bx蔗糖的再生液在70~80℃温度下,再生剂的用量约为脱色糖汁的一半,流速应低于脱色时的流速时,再生效果优于传统的钠盐再生剂的再生效果,重复再生后的纤维脱色率能保持稳定,交换容量下降少,且再生液能回收利用,废水排放量小,是一种环保型再生液。

The Ca(superscript 2+) salt solution as a new regenerant was presented in this paper. The influences of the calcium salt proportioning, temperature, dosage and flow rate on anion exchange fiber regeneration were studied. High regeneration can be obtained with 0.5mol/L CaCl2+8g/L CaO+6.5 °Bx sucrose solution at 70~80℃, the dosage of the Ca(superscript 2+) salt solution was about half of the raw decoloring syrup, the regenerant flow rate should be lower than that of the raw decoloring syrup. It was shown that stable decolorization rate and lower decline in exchange capacity could be achieved with the new regenerant. It performed more effectively than the traditional sodium salt regenerant with less discharge of waste water.

选用二价钙离子蔗糖溶液为再生剂,再生蔗糖脱色后的强碱性阴离子交换纤维,研究了再生液的配比、再生温度、再生液用量、再生液流速等因素对再生效果的影响,结果表明配比为0.5mol/L CaCl2+8g/L CaO+6.5 °Bx蔗糖的再生液在70~80℃温度下,再生剂的用量约为脱色糖汁的一半,流速应低于脱色时的流速时,再生效果优于传统的钠盐再生剂的再生效果,重复再生后的纤维脱色率能保持稳定,交换容量下降少,且再生液能回收利用,废水排放量小,是一种环保型再生液。

Table salt is generally considered as the cause of this disease so many doctors advise low-salt diet. They advocate saltless cooking taking away salt from the table and refusing bacon fried potato chips as well as other high-salt food.


Correlation analysis indicated that total chlorophyll contents in leaves of F. velutina and R. pseudoacacia Seedlings were negatively correlated with MDA content under both neutral salt stress and mixed salt stress. The total chlorophyll contents was positively correlated with Pro under neutral salt stress.However, the correlation was negative under mixed salt stress.


The activity of SOD increased under lower salt concentration and then maintain steady with increasing salt concentration, whereas that of CAT decreased under lower salt concentration and then increased quickly with increasing salt concentration.


It was established in 1988,mainly produces all kinds of phosphates,compound phosphate,citrates and other inorganic salt such as zinc salt,magnesium salt,iron salt etc.food additives,which have been further exported to some ten countries and regions of the U.S.A,Japan,Korea and countries in Europe and southeast Asia.


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Salt For Your Wounds
Bath Salt
Salt & Light
Rock, Salt And Nails
The Salt Of The Earth
The Great Salt Lake
Salt Lake City
Salt On A Slug
Mistress Of The Salmon Salt (Quicklime Girl)

Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
