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Thy rebuke hath broken His heart Recitative, soprano

诗篇69:20 辱骂伤破了我的心,我又满了忧愁。

Based on analysis of some successful music dramas in Europe and American, it discussed the artistic features of the various forms of it such as recitative, duet, chorus, dance music and pure instrumental passages, the writer try to sum up essential experience to help the Chinese own music drama.


Bach's masterpiece Passion oratorio consists of four parts: introductory choral preludes, recitative, chorales, and solo arias.


The recitative is the reenactment of Matthew's Gospel 26-27, played by the main characters in the Bible and narrated by the evangelist Matthew.


And the recitative.


Thee for my recitative


When Borodin first began working on Prince Igor , the style. of opera endorsed within his circle, principally in the writings of César Cui, was opéra dialogué, wherein the highest merit was said to lie in an unbroken recitative setting of an unaltered text.


The actors made their entries and exits unobserved or unthought of; at certain conventional moments, the spectators would suddenly cease their conversation, or rouse themselves from their musings, to listen to some brilliant effort of Moriani's, a well-executed recitative by Coselli, or to join in loud applause at the wonderful powers of La Specchia; but that momentary excitement over, they quickly relapsed into their former state of preoccupation or interesting conversation.


NO.9 Recitative and Aria:Monster!


The nearest parallel in Russian opera is Mikhail Glinka's Ruslan and Lyudmila , but echoes of Musorgsky are present too: tritones used to depict alarm bells in the scene between Yaroslavna and the boyars, the closing measures of Igor's aria (suggesting the closing measures of Act II of Boris Godunov ), the comic gudok players' recitative.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
