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Chinese pictograms were, for example, dismantled to form two entirely new alphabets, hiragana and katakana, while a new set of Japanese readings was imposed on the original Chinese characters.


The Midwest and South each posted two-point gains in their HMI readings, to 15 and 21, respectively.

中西部和南部 HMI 都上升了2点,分别为15和21。

Bn who was the first to give the name "Appendix of the Lateran council" to the collection, added some variant readings and rubrics which he had found in the chronicle of Roger of Hoveden.


Hoveden . The Roman editors (Rm 4, 1612, 27-33), using also the manuscript codex of Antonio Augustine of Tarragona, produced a more accurate text and more variant readings.

罗马编辑(马币4 ,第1612 , 27-33 ),使用也手稿食品法典委员会的安东尼奥古斯丁的tarragona ,产生了更准确的文本和更多变读。

These readings taken by the Chandrayaan probe of the Indian Space Agency show that there is actually a thin film there.


Note all the readings in the instrument board after the engine starts, more attention to L.


In the Cayce readings, the Christ Consciousness is integrally being one with God.


Throughout the entire intercomparison process, it's desirable to establish the stability of a measured cell difference by calculating a standard deviation across several redundant readings.


In most cases these readings are provided within the format of interpretative paraphrase.


Get me a sample and some isotope readings.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
