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与 prefers 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It prefers anonymity to the ostentation of others (Mr Beltrán was undone by inviting a famous accordionist to play at a Christmas party).


If you've played tri-Ace's past games such as Radiata Stories or Star Ocean: Til the End of Time, then you know that the company prefers to keep its RPGs on the action side of the spectrum.

如果你打得三元环的奥运会,过去诸如辐射故事或明星海洋: til的结束时间,那么你知道公司宁愿把它浇铸对行动方的频谱。

In between comes an agonisingly incompetent new freelance correspondent in Cairo, a memorably ferocious pedant who guards the paper's prose and accuracy, and the paper's most loyal reader, an Italiannobildonna who, Miss Havisham-like, prefers ancient editions of the paper to the up-to-date issues.


In between comes an agonisingly incompetent new freelance correspondent in Cairo, a memorably ferocious pedant who guards the paper's prose and accuracy, and the paper's most loyal reader, an Italiannobildonna who, Miss Havi sham -like, prefers ancient editions of the paper to the up-to-date issues.


She prefers ale that is not so sweet.


The Anaconda prefers to be in the water, but they do enjoy spending some time on land in shallow caves by the water's edge, or in riverbank trees to bask in the sun.


He prefers a certain amount of anonymity.


Sir Peter, for example, prefers the less prominent apron stage in his new theatre in Kingston upon Thames, but a thrust stage has been used successfully in the smaller Swan theatre, part of the old theatre building.


It is estimated that D atom prefers to takeposition of 3Ti-1Mo tetrahedron interstices, whereas H atom prefers to take 4Ti position.


For example:Twain Buffalo prefers bank deposit and Dolphin prefers stock;Risk averter prefers bank deposit and insurance, Risk lover prefers foreign exchange and stock and Risk balancer prefers futures.


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If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
