英语人>网络例句>occasional 相关的网络例句

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与 occasional 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An occasional chair focusing on material detailing in bute fabric upholstery and veneer production.


It's a gruesome bath though suffocating fish and the occasional sun dried caiman are grisly bath buddies.


This does not mean that you cannot enjoy the occasional calorie splurge or even that you shouldn't.


Like King Canute, foreign governments occasional-ly try to stop the rising tide of American cultural in-fluence, and like the hapless king they always fail.


Because attend the body state of canvasser to differ, individual occasional is individual fall in different function condition, the burden ability that measures to motion is endless and identical.


At depths greater than 120 feet (37 meters), this coral forest is home to schools of cardinal fish and the occasional cherry-blossom anthias.


The strange silence, broken only by the measured dip of the oar and the soft plashing of the water against your cleaving prow, and the occasional hoarse cries of the gondoliers as you pass another of these black, funeral barges; the few and feeble lamps, giving you momentary glimpses of balconies and finely carven arches; the sudden intensification of the silence and the darkness as you abruptly leave the Grand Canal and slip along one of the narrower waterways, always with tall houses on both sides of you, and above you a clear sky of stars, stars reflected tremblingly on the black waters----thousands of tourists must have tried to describe all this, but the magic and the mystery and the beauty of it defy human speech.


The strange silence, broken only by the measured dip of the oar and the soft plashing of the water against your cleaving prow, and the occasional hoarsecries of the gondoliers as you pass another of these black, funeral barges; the few and feeble lamps, giving you momentary glimpses of balconies and finely carven arches; the sudden intensification of the silence and the darkness as you abruptly leave the Grand Canal and slip along one of the narrower waterways, always with tall houses on both sides of you, and above you a clear sky of stars, stars reflected tremblingly on the black waters----thousands of tourists must have tried to describe all this, but the magic and the mystery and the beauty of it defy human speech.


The main performance of the period similar to upper respiratory tract infection symptoms:① fever in all cases, more than for the moderate fever;② cough, runny nose and tears, pharynx, such as congestive catarrhal symptoms, eye symptoms prominent conjunctival inflammation, eyelid edema, increased tears, photophobia, eyelid under the edge of a clear line of congestive, the diagnosis of measles very helpful ③ Koplik spots, eruptive in 24 ~ 48 hours prior to the emergence of about 1.0mm in diameter outside the gray dots red halo, found only at the beginning of the mucosa under the molars, but the increase in one day can be involved very quickly and spread to the entire buccal mucosa lip and mucous membrane after the rash appears in the gradual disappearance of skin rash may have a small dark red points;④ occasional skin urticaria, rash or scarlet fever faint rash appears when the typical skin rash disappeared;⑤ Some patients may have some non-specific symptoms such as general malaise, anorexia, etc.


"You'd be surprised about how unshockable Yale students are," said a participant, who goes by the pseudonym "Buck Naked.""I suppose you do get the occasional cheer or catcall."


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An Occasional Dream
The Occasional Flicker
Occasional Demons

Further more, the simplified analysis method on stressed-skin effect of corrugated steel sheet is also discussed in detail.


If I had known her telephone number,I would have called her.


I'll have to take this dress in at the waist - it's too big.
