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与 jean 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Having opened Mezzo in Soho to great success, Laris was lured to Shanghai by the developers behind 3 on the Bund, directly opposite M on the Bund, which now houses Laris, Jean-Georges and the Whampoa Club restaurants.

拉里斯在Soho开设的Mezzo餐厅取得了巨大成功,之后他被外滩3号(3 on the Bund)的开发商吸引到了上海,外滩3号就位于M on the Bund的正对面,这里聚集着拉里斯餐厅、Jean-Georges和黄浦会餐厅。

The first challenge for Jean Dunand's miniaturist is to reinterpret the original rectangular drawing onto the round surface of the onyx and a grid is used to plot the picture.

Jean Dunand微图画家的第一个挑战,是重新将原有的矩形图画绘制在黑玛瑙的圆形表面,使用了网络格来绘制图案。

As a candidate for entry in the 13th Gundam Fight, Jean-Pierre Mirabeau's Mirage Gundam was designed for powerful offensive attacks.

作为第十三届高达格斗大赛的候选人,Jean-Pierre Mirabeau的幻象高达被设计成进攻用的强达高达。

Even if some failures can be attributed to the Bush administration, the most important reasons for Katrina's deadliness may lie in decisions that predate the current president, from Jean Baptiste le Moyne de Bienville's decision to found the city in its precarious location, in 1718, to the more recent "improvements" in the area's maritime navigability that have damaged south-eastern Louisiana's wetlands.

虽然一些因素可以归结为布什政府,但卡纳里亚致命袭击最重要的原因是在现任总统以前造成的,归根于Jean Baptiste le Moyne de Bienville在1718年的决定:建城于这个不稳定不安全的地区,而最近的海上可航行性的"改进"则破坏了路易斯安那州东南部的沼泽地区。

In his recent Passion tour, Cheung wore eight Jean-Paul Gaultier outfits, in ascending order of outrageousness, from a white tux with angel wings to a naughty shirt.

在她最近的passion tour演唱会上,换了八套Jean-Paul Gaultier套装,在缭绕上升的汽雾中,带着天使翅膀的晚礼服化作淘气的衬衣

I have always wanted to clean Jean's pantry.


Jean-Paul Guerlain created Parure for a woman who loved jewellery.

Jean-Paul Guerlain为一位酷爱珠宝的女士量身定做了这款掌上明珠。

Following these changes, Jean-Paul Perrier, Executive Vice President, International Organisation, and Chairman of Thales International, is appointed Vice Chairman of the Group.

重组后,泰利斯国际的执行副总裁兼主席Jean-Paul Perrier将被任命为泰利斯集团的副主席。

Tim:Hi,Jean!I have a new picture-book.


Jean-Baptiste Prevost, the head of the French student union UNEF, says young people today view the events of May '68 very positively. But they don't want to copy what took place. They want to write their own history.

法国全国学生联合会主席Jean-Baptiste Prevost对法国年轻人评价很高:他们对may68的了解十分透彻,但却不会因此而照搬原套,他们想的是用自己的方式来书写历史。

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String Bean Jean
Booba Vs Mc Jean Gabin
The Jean Genie
Blue Jean
Billie Jean
Texas And Norma Jean
Bobby Jean
Mae Jean Goes To Hollywood
I Love My Jean
Wasted (Remix By Wyclef Jean)

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
