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与 implausible 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

3 Floors only were pancaked, yet your film suggested the discredited 60 seconds pancake theory had validity when in fact it has already been discredited as totally implausible.

3月11日地板不但pancaked ,但你的电影,建议抹黑60秒煎饼理论曾效力的时候,其实它已经名声扫地,因为完全

For William Felkin, in his History of the Machine-Wrought Hosiery Manufactures (1867), tells us (though the statement seems implausible) that the larger part of the 50,000 English stocking knitters and their families did not fully emerge from the hunger and misery entailed by the introduction of the machine for the next forty years.

威廉费尔金在《机器针织和花边织制商历史》(History of the Machine-Wrought Hosiery Manufactures;1867 年)中告诉我们(尽管他的陈述听上去令人难以置信),在采用机器后的 40 年里,英格兰的 50 000 名做针织长袜的手工工人和他们的家庭,绝大多数最终也没能从饥寒交迫的悲惨境地中解脱出来。

An end to the genophobia of many academics and pundits, whose blank-slate doctrines will look increasingly implausible as people learn their about genes that affect their temperament and cognition.


Biologists say it's highly implausible that onions could attract flu virus as a bug zapper traps flies.


Some of the crude physical abuses are implausible, yet.... In a Post-Human world there would still be plenty of niches where human equivalent automation would be desirable: embedded systems in autonomous devices, self-aware daemons in the lower functioning of larger sentients.


Yet, implausible as it may seem, swallowing his pride, mastering his instinct for self-exculpation and apologising for the recession might be Mr Brown's best hope of political recovery.


The findings she sets forth, once thought of as provocative and implausible, are now regarded as irrefutable by folklorists and scholars in related fields.


That seems implausible to many utilitarians.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
