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与 hound 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And now I under stand how Selden knew that the hound was following him in the dark.


How did Selden know that the hound was following him?


He often calls himself "maniac","hound", and other derogatory names, but he usually gives the impression that he is half-jesting, that the self-accusation is only lip-service, part of his rhetorical schemes.


A pendulous ear, hanging dead by the side of the head like a Hound's, is uncharacteristic of the Terrier, while an ear which is semierect is still more undesirable.


And STi; Sideswipe, in a new body built by the Daimler-Chrysler Corporation's PVO-Team, whose main operating computer is a "TORQ 3000" quantum processor developed by Quantum Laboratories (from the G1 season 2 episode "Day of the Machines", where they created the super-computer TORQ III); Hound, who totally loves his new body built by Daimler-Chrysler and Hybrid Technologies Corporation ("High Technology Corporation" in Japan; Astoria's Company from the G1 season 2 episode "The Girl Who Loved Powerglide") and views it as the first step towards his goal of becoming human himself one day; and Tracks, in a new body built by General Motors and DuPont (GM's former parent company), which now provides him with the ability to change his body color from yellow to blue.

最先得到全新BT机体的是银霹雳。但由於其在性格上的某些稳定因素,EDC监察局在对银霹雳进一长测试后才批准他归队战斗。紧接著活的战士有:烟幕,机体由富士重工下属的STi制造;横炮,机体由戴姆-克莱斯下属的PVO-Team负责建造,他的中央处电脑则是由子实验室开发的 TORQ-3000子处器;探长,对自己由戴姆-克莱斯和澳洲高科技公司建造的新机体喜爱万分,并将其视为达成自己最终完全变成一个人的目标的第一步;还有胎,机体由通用汽和杜邦公司制造,并拥有随环境需要变化自身颜色的"变色能"。

While a few of them, including Jazz and Ultra Magnus, were spared from the effects of the virus, most of the Earth-bound Autobots, among them Smokescreen, Hound, Tracks, Sideswipe (Lambor/Side Swipe), Bluestreak (Streak/Silverstreak), Sunstreaker and Trailbreaker, were damaged beyond repair.


Sirdar of Gazni is one of the most important afghan hound in the history of the breed.

Gazni 的队长是品种的历史中最重要的阿富汗的猎犬之一。

I see that hound again, why does it stalk me?


The proper degree of independence is displayed by the hound that concentrates on running its game with no undue concern for its running mates except to hark to them when they proclaim a find or indicate progress by tonguing.


The striking characteristics of the breed-exotic, or "Eastern," expression, long silky topknot, peculiar coat pattern, very prominent hipbones, large feet, and the impression of a somewhat exaggerated bend in the stifle due to profuse trouserings-stand out clearly, giving the Afghan Hound the appearance of what he is, a king of dogs, that has held true to tradition throughout the ages.


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Hound Dog
Hound Dog
The Hound (Of Blood And Rank)
The Fox And The Hound
Hound Dog
Hound Dog
One-Eyed Hound
Master And A Hound
Hound Dog
Hound Dog

I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
