英语人>网络例句>hip 相关的网络例句
与 hip 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A tile shaped so as to cover the hip of a hip roof.


Compared with D buffalo, the withers height, hip croop height, hucklebone width of ND buffalo respectively increase 5.5%, 7.4%, 9%, the withers height, hip croop height, hucklebone width of MD buffalo respectively increase


Xia Zhigu including the hip (by the ilium, the buttock, ischium a), the femur, patella, tibia and fibula, seven tarsal bone (talus, calcaneus, scaphoid, the first, second and third wedge of bone, bone dice), Metatarsal 5 and toe bones, they were composed of hip, knee and ankle joints, plantar tarsal joints, metatarsophalangeal joint and toe joints.


Other legal tools exist in Israeli law that may potentially serve as mea to avoid guardia hip: trusts, joint bank accounts, joint tenancy, etc. However, there is very little public awarene and very narrow usage of any of these as direct tools for avoiding future incapacity or preventing formal guardia hip.


Most women who have natural tissue implants are left with a neat scar running from hip to hip (rectus abdominus reconstruction) or in a horizontal line across the lower back (latissimus dorsi reconstruction).


Phil Jackson, four months removed from a left-hip replacement (which came eight months after a right-hip replacement), isn't sure that he's up to the arduous task of coaching the team and its lightning-rod leader.


Gluteals - these make up the buttocks and consist of the gluteus maximus covering the hip joint and the gluteus medius and minimus on the outside of the hip.

Gluteals -这些构成了臀部和包括臀大肌覆盖髋关节和臀中肌和按蚊在外面的臀部。

Recent studies indicate that the dose of HIP required to stimulate islet neogenesis may be 100 times lower than the concentration required by naturally produced HIP.


Current application for hip arthroscopy include management of labral tears, osteoplasty for femoroacetabular impingement, thermal capsulorrhaphy and capsular plication for subtle rotational instability and capsular laxity, lateral impact injury and chondral lesions, osteochondritis dissecans, ligamentum teres injuries, internal and external snapping hip, removal of loose bodies, synovial biopsy, subtotal synovectomy, synovial chondromatosis, infection, and certain cases of mild to moderate osteoarthritis with associated mechanical symptoms.


The AP view of the hip at 3 days, 3 months, 1 year and yearly after the operation were obtained, cup migration according to the teardrop and radiolucent line were evaluated, at the same time the Harris hip score were also evaluated.

拍摄术后3 d、3个月、1年及每年随访时的双髋正位片,以泪滴为参照,观察聚乙烯臼杯位置的变化及骨水泥层透亮线的变化,并进行Harris髋关节评分比较。

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Hip Hop
The Healer (Hip Hop)
Hip To My Heart
On My Hip
Hip Hop Drunkies Freestyle (Cutmaster C)
I'm Hip
Hip Hop Star
Hip, Hip Hoo-Raisin
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip To Hip

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
