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与 grape 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1975, the Napa Valley Grape Growers Association was organized and today both growers and vintners join forces on projects of common interest, devoting much of their time to an active marketing program.


What's left is semi-sweet, low-alcohol grape juice that is dangerously vulnerable to harmful bacteria and completely unsaleable.


A t-bone steak, cheese eggs and welch's grape


The researchers have not theorised the reasoning for their findings yet however, it is speculated that the chemical compound, Resveratrol, found in grape skins might contain anti-obesity properties.

研究人员还未为他们的调查发现找到理论根据,然而他们怀疑葡萄皮含有一种叫 Resveratrol 的化学物可对抗肥胖。

Grape vines thrive in well-drained soils with loamy to sandy surface layers over moderately permeable clay subsoils.


The author evaluates and discusses in some detail several methods of ar-ranging grape cultivars in the stock nursery.


In Fuji apple, Starking apple and Feicheng peach, 1-MCP slowed the conversion of TA content and SSC, maintained the ratio of sugar to acid and reduced the flavors loss in later storage time. 1-MCP also reduced the chilling rate and fruit weight loss of Feicheng peach stored at 0℃, but accelerated the decay of Feicheng peach and the detachment of grape berry from peduncle stored at 20℃. The effect of 1-MCP on the decay of strawberry was related to temperature: alleviated at 20℃ and enhanced at 0℃.


Spumoni: 20ml Carmpari, 20ml grape juice, some Tonic, ladies' favorite.

斯普莫尼:原意为意大利式的冰淇淋;以20ml 金巴利酒、20ml 葡萄柚汁和适量汤力汽水调制而成。

Hot climate producers of sparkling wines often use the various Muscat grape clones to create wines in the style of Italian Spumante.


The main products of our company are 5-HTP, Pygeum bark extract, olive leaf extract, Grape seed extract, Pine bark extract, Pomegranate extract, etc.


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Grape, Grape Joy
Peel Me A Grape
What's Eating Gilbert Grape

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
