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与 grade 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

OF super grade, Grade I and II is exported. Fine talcum powder is of high whiteness in very fine granula tion which feels soft and slippery, so it is used in hitech fields, such as paint and coating industry, it is also used in paper making industry. Besides calcine talcum powder from 200 mesh to 1250 mesh is used in china and pottery industry. The following kinds such as Qixia3-grade blocks, 3-grade grains, 4 grade block and 4-grade grains are used as raw materials of china and pottery products. When 15% 80% of talcum powder is added in porcelain ,the Final china products is of very heat expansion, but of high strength, transparency and brilliance in colure and of very high percentage silicon , alg but of very low percentage of iron and aluminium.


Basic fertilizer (organic fertilizer 500kg/667m2) add medium-term (organic fertilizer 500kg/667m2) facilitates favor to high-yield with the best conprehensive quality;density(40cm×60cm)with the highest yield; plastic mulching can significantly increase plant height, leaf width, leaf length, mature leaves, basal culm thickness, the first grade cormels weight and the second grade cormels weight; the first grade cormels of red sprout clocasia escalenta weight and yield had the obvious phenomenon of rapid growth in the medium expansion period of clocasia escalenta (July 14); an appropriate increase in plant height and stem yield was conducive to the increase in corn yield, the increase in corn yield favor to the first grade cormel numbers, the first grade cormel yield, the second grade cormel numbers, the second grade cormel yield, and thus obtain a higher yield.


At 14 postoperative days, the paralytic limbs'function of the survived rats were evaluated with the Ducker's method (grade 0: pamplegia grade 1: automatic action but could not support the body mass grade 2: could stand but could not walk grade 3: could walk but with difficulty and accompanied by spasm grade 4: could run accompanied by mild incoordination grade 5: normal movement).


objective:through analyzing the result of physical fitness test of children aged 3~6 years old in fengtai district of beijing,there is a scientific guiding to the next working in the future and an enhancement of physical exercise.methods:according to "the test standard of physical fitness for children aged 3~6 years old",we had the physical fitness test on 9 784 children aged 3~6 years old.the result of test was analyzed by statistics analysis.results:it is eucrasia for physical fitness of children.the percengts of excellent grade,good grade,passing grade and not passing grade are 59.12%,23.69%,13.31%,3.88%,the total percent of excellent grade is in creasing with the increasing of the age of children.there is some imbalance in test of subitem.conclusion:physical fitness test of children can guide to child care scientifically.physical exercise is very important to growth and development of children,we should pay much attention to it.

目的:分析北京市丰台区托幼园所3~6岁儿童体质测试结果,为儿童保健工作作科学指导,促进儿童体格锻炼。方法:应用《北京市3~6岁儿童体质测试标准》对我区9 784名3~6岁儿童进行体质测试,将结果进行统计学分析。结果:丰台区3~6岁儿童体质健康状况良好,综合评价优秀级占59.12%,良好级占23.69%,及格级占13.31%,不及格级占3.88%。总体评级优秀率随年龄增大而增高,小年龄组不及格者明显多于大年龄组。我区儿童各单项测试项目发展存在不平衡。结论:进行体质测试可对儿童保健工作起科学指导作用,体格锻炼对儿童生长发育极为重要。

The proportions of Ⅰ~Ⅱgrade and Ⅲ grade were 73.8%、 83.1%; 45.7%、 65.2% between 92 samples of Urgur patients and 188 samples of han patients . Lymphy node metastasis in Uygur patients were greater than Han patients in Ⅰ~Ⅱgrade and Ⅲ grade (X~2=13.14, P.001; X~2=5.08, P.05).(3) The proportions of the expression of VEGF-AmRNA and its protein were 31.8%、 57.1%、64.3%, 27.3%、 53.6%、 59.5% in difference pathological grade in 92 samples, With increasing of the pathological grade,the VEGF-AmRNA and its protein expression are highly (X~2=6.26, P.05; X~2=6.21, P.05); The proportions of the positive expression of VEGF-AmRNA and its protein were 68.4


Results: Of the 22 cases, the draining veins, which were observed through MR brain surface anatomy scanning, were highly coincidence with the findings in the operation. The myodynamia of the one case whose myodynamia was grade 0 preoperation was grade IV one month after operation, the one case whose myodynamia was grade II preoperation was grade IV two weeks after operation, the one case whose myodynamia was grade III preoperation was grade IV three months after operation, and the patient recovered normal eight months later, the two cases whose myodynamia was grade IV total recovery after 2 months .

结果:22例患者的术前磁共振脑表面成像中脑表面回流静脉与术中所见高度一致。1例肌力0级患者术1月恢复至 IV 级,1例 II 级患者术后2周恢复至 IV 级,1例 III 级患者术3月恢复至 IV 级,随访8月患者对侧肢体肌力恢复正常,2例 IV 级患者术后2月完全恢复。

Results the serum level of mmp-2 in study group was significantly higher than that of controls (p<0.01). the more critical by classification of child-pugh, the lower serumal mmp-2 level (a grade vs b grade, b grade vs c grade,c grade vs a grade;p<0.01, p<0.01, and p<0.01, respectively).

结果 肝硬化组mmp-2显著高于对照组(p<0.01、);但是肝硬化患者血清中mmp-2浓度随child-pugh分级增高显著下降,a、b、c级之间差异均有统计学意义(p均<0.01),mmp-2水平a>b>c。

4 The quality grade of radial transillumination shall not be lower than Grade AB, which is determined in consideration of the importance of the piping applicable to this Specification as well as the grade classification in JB 4730 for Grade A, Grade AB and Grade B.

SH 3501-2002 7.5 质量检验 Quality inspection 7.5.4 本条规定射线透照质量等级要求不得低于 AB 级,这是根据本规范适用范围内管道的重要性,在 JB 4730 规定的 A,AB,B 级中确定的。

Through difference significance tests and analyses, it finds that (1) man students more possibly form identity achievement, and woman students more possibly form identity foreclosure and identity diffusion; and (2) the difference of self-identity status between man and woman students is associated with various domains; and (3) self-identity status between man and woman students have some similarities that identity exploration has the same importance to both; and (4) grade-one is a period when students face up to more identity crises, and grade-two is key period of identity formation, and grade-three is a developmental period of identity that provides the basis for re-solution of the emergence of new identity crises in grade-four;(5) there is a gradually enhanced direction from lower self-identity statuses to advanced ones from grade-one to grade-three, but there is also a direction that reentry into the identity crisis by grade-four. It indicates that the identity achievement formation does not mean the end of development of self-identity and proves that there is a continuous MAMA cycle in self-identity development; and (6) that students self-identity status mainly is identity moratorium provides some evidence for which there is a Moratorium in student development, and which self-identity formation is not easy; and (7) the development of student self-identity is associated with various domains, what students pay most attention to firstly is vocation, secondly life philosophy, and lower interesting in political and religious domains in ideology; for relational domains, students pay more attention to dating and friendship compared to sex role and recreation domain.


Carbon Fiber Yachts - Over the past ten years people from our team have focused their efforts on designing winning race boats ranging from Grade Prix to America's Cup .

游艇为100%的碳素纤维制造----在过去的10多年里,我们的团队成员一直在为设计从Grade Prix到美洲杯用的赛船努力着。

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Eighth Grade Summer Romance
Grade 9
Smoke Some High Grade
4th Grade Dropout
Grade 8
Grade 8 (Acoustic)
Seventh Grade Dance
10th Grade Love

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
