英语人>网络例句>food 相关的网络例句
与 food 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He would be truly astounded by some of the technology found in state-of-the-art supermarkets like the Food Emporium.

那他到了像Food Emporium这种科技已臻化境的超市,才真的会大吃一惊了。

There are some food in the frige.


L: I won't have time to eat dinner until late, so I'm trying to load up on food now.

H: 噢,今天你晚饭要很晚才能吃,可是,你说什么- load up on food 那是什么

There was not even enough food.Miss Nightingale and her nurses had to work very hard indeed.


Innovation and Future Directions of Supply Chain Management in US Agri-Food Randall E.

创新和供应链管理的前途在Agri-Food的美国 Randall E。

Have served are: Britain's BEST FOOD, CAMEL, NESTLE, MAYFAIR SUPERSTORE, STAGECRAFT, MATRIX 5, SPECTRUM, etc.; Malaysia Airlines; domestic customers are: BBK, TCL, Konka and so on.


Cow is great friend of the menkind in many ways including giving us food.Therefore it is not surprise that menkind throughout history glorified cow so much.All over the world people use cow and worship this animal.


Sam White, a mustachioed server at Chez Panisse who co-organizes the art-meets-food events at OPENrestaurant, wore a T-shirt with "corn syrup" written in the Coca-Cola font.

萨姆迈特是 Chez Panisse 的服务员,他留着几撇胡须,穿着一件 T 恤, T 恤上印有可口可乐式字样书写的&玉米糖浆&的图案,他也是在 OPEN 餐厅举行的&艺术遇见美食(art-meets-food)&活动的组织者之一。

To decrease the seerity of an attack,consider haing an immunotherapy,making an appointment with an allergist for testing and desensitizing treatment;learn what substances cause the reaction and in what form they can be found;carrying an allergy kit with you at all time;(3)check labels before taking oer the counter drugs or eating food items hae a combination of ingredients.

减轻休克的损伤,考虑免疫治疗,联系过敏症医师做检查、指导治疗,了解自己的致敏原,随身携带一个治疗过敏的用具包,检查药物eating food items hae a combination of ingredients。针对楼上战友的问题发表一下看法,请大家指正!

Food pantries, which distribute foodstuffs to the needy, are reporting severe shortages and reduced government funding at the very time that they are seeing a surge of new people seeking their help.

给穷人分发食品的Food pantries面临严重的食品短缺,更多的人需要帮助的时候政府拨款减少。

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Food Innuendo Guy
Food, Clothes, Medicine
Food On The Table
Devil's Food
Chinese Food
Angel Food
Bar Food
Food Party
Prison Food
Chinese Food

But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?