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与 familiarity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the dissertation, special emphasis is put on the effect of agentive factors, including the agents familiarity with the metaphor, his/her age and his/her educational background.


I arrived at University of Florida in Sep, 2008. It was another process from strangeness to familiarity, from nameless to approbatory.


If their comfort and familiarity with Nature is an attribute of magicals, then their bafflement with Muggles' investment in machinery is part of the difference between the two peoples as well.


Jean francois blondel,and later with gilles marie oppenord.from the former he acquired great respect for traditional french design and frpm the latter great facility in the new picturesque,or rococo,manner.he also developed fine techniques as an engraver.although he traveled throughout france,there is no record of travel to other countries.his knowledge of the history of architecture outside france was extensive and based on the study of published sources.his knowledge of architecture in france, its history and techniques, was wide and based on a deep familiarity with the literature and with the buildings of france.

Jean francois blondel ,之后和 marie oppenord 学习。从前者他为传统法兰西设计获得了极大的回响和尊重并且从中获得了新独特的技巧,或者从洛可可形式,在模式中的最后这让他更为纯熟。他也为铭刻者发展更好的技术。虽然他遍及法兰西运动,但是对其他国家并没有传播的记录。他的架构建筑学和历史的知识是广泛的。是基於出版动力的学习研究。他在法兰西,它的历史和技术中,建筑学的知识广泛用文学和用法兰西的建筑基於一个很深很熟练的基础。

Mace Windu's efforts on Dantooine and Kit Fisto's familiarity with Ord Cestus are two minor nods to the expanded universe -- namely, the first Clone Wars micro-series where Mace fights a droid army on the plains of Dantooine, and The Cestus Deception novel featuring Fisto.


Soil type is coming from the land all materials, such as clay, stone, wood and so on, people feel the earth is a material nature, inclusive and harmonious nature of the familiarity with a strong.


However, I think with familiarity will come an appreciation for the compactness.


There is something ,too, profane in the familiarity ,half contemptuous, with which we treat our animals .


In the installation operation and maintenance of the device, you should understand/ conversance the equipment conformation, familiarity with this leaflet.


These results suggest that:(1) kin recognition is primary mechanism of inbreeding avoidance in estrus female root voles;(2) memory of a siblings scent may be a mechanism of sibling recognition by estrus females, and familiarity after weaning can reinforce permanence of this memory;(3) post coital familiarity may be a mechanism of maintaining inbreeding avoidance in female root voles.


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For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
