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与 defunct 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To dream of the indefinite prolongation of defunct things, and of the government of men by embalming, to restore dogmas in a bad condition, to regild shrines, to patch up cloisters, to rebless reliquaries, to refurnish superstitions, to revictual fanaticisms, to put new handles on holy water brushes and militarism, to reconstitute monasticism and militarism, to believe in the salvation of society by the multiplication of parasites, to force the past on the present,-- this seems strange.


K: Richard Marx who sang "Now and forever" and George Michaels, a formal member of the defunct pop group, WHAM!

勋:理查。马科斯,就是唱"Now and forever"和乔治。迈科儿,他是一个流行组合的成员。

Iridium 33 communications satellite and the defunct Russian military communications satellite Cosmos 2251 collided and were destroyed, the smashup left a fresh sea of fragments orbiting at various angles.


Unfortunately, the idea of international friendship, like the near-defunct tradition of the subbotnik, is less popular in Russia than it was. At the annual Victory Day parade in Red Square on March 9th, Mr Putin attacked "those who...try to sow racial hatred, extremism, and xenophobia."


Shortly after bonding with the ladies, Dennis joined the group and together they performed on BET's now-defunct talk show, Teen Summit.

在短暂的交流之后,她成为了她们中的一份子。他们要在现在已经停播了的Talk Show "Teen Summit"进行演出。

The Tom Collins was almost certainly named for a now-defunct brand of gin, Old Tom gin, which was sweetened.


One Afar custom, now defunct, declared a man could not marry without first killing an enemy tribesman.


One Afar custom ,now defunct , declared a man could not marry without first killingan enemy tribesman .


It would be, in effect, a smaller version (perhaps 1,500-strong) of NATO's now-defunct Allied Command Europe Mobile Force-Land, a brigade-sized force (about 5,000 soldiers) whose role was to act as a tripwire in the cold war.


Alister Ling published a list of 60 "planetary nebulae visible from the city" in the now-defunct Deep Sky magazine (Summer 1986 issue).


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
