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与 creaky 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her chipper sound, bobbish melody, and jocose lyric, her innocent manner while she hugging her child and playing with her child like playing a seesaw, mixed with the creaky laugh of her child together, poppled in this small adobe.

她爽朗的声音,快活的曲调,诙谐的歌词,搂着孩子像玩翘翘板似的摇上摇下的天真的神态,和孩子叽叽嘎嘎的笑声溶在一起,在这小土房里荡漾。谢谢如此专业角度的支持!~金钱+ 2 元

As I passed through the creaky, wrought iron gate, I couldn't help but notice how silent the place was.


We heard his voice -- voices -- from the next room: the boy narrator, all wonder and earnestness; wry and creaky Grandma; and the shrieking, haggy Grand High Witch.


Mr. Sarkozy is also a bit of an outsider, the first son of an immigrant to rise to the French presidency in a country struggling to integrate second-generation immigrants, the grandson of a Sephardic Jew who converted to Roman Catholicism in a country still riddled with anti-Semitism and a graduate of France's creaky state university system in a country long governed by technocrats trained at a handful of small, elite "great schools."


This could lead NASA either to postpone mothballing the shuttles--a bad idea when you're talking about a creaky fleet that's already claimed 14 lives--or to accelerate building the replacement vehicles


Through a section that sounds like the Peking-opera fiddle, the violin suddenly uses glissando fingering to slide down the "G" string, covering an octave interval, seeming to imitate the creaky sound of the dahualian("painted-face character") of Peking opera, while also replying to the clown-like glissando at the start of the piece.

经过一个如同是京胡演奏的片段,小提琴突然在 G 弦上大力度地演奏出大七度的滑音,如同在模仿京剧里的&铜锤花脸&的苍老声音,也似乎是对一开头的&小丑&式滑音部分的回应。

Up in Nansen's office on the top floor of the tower, one can still find his exploration-age artifacts much as he left them: moldering charts and maps, a pair of Inuit "sunglasses" made of wood with slits as lenses, and a half-rotten polar bear rug spread on the creaky wooden floor.


Shuffling along behind a kimono -clad attendant on the creaky wood floors of Fukuzumiro ryokan's hallways is like stepping back in time.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
