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In fact, most patients come to see doctors because of acute diseases, such as acute sprains, convulsive twitches, heat-stroke stupor, trifacial neuralgia, migraine, tooth pain, facial paralysis, and the like.


Documents reveal he used thousands of unwitting as well as voluntary subjects to test paralytic drugs, hallucinogens including LSD and electro-convulsive therapy at 30 to 40 times normal power. Cameron, who died in 1967, also put many "guinea pigs" into comas for months on end while playing tapes of repetitive statements in a bid to discover if he could erase memories, then rebuild them with new information.


It was a spectacular show despite my being exhausted from a tough, sleepless week and then going progressively deaf between 1 and 4 am as the Paul's, smooth and hypnotic trance music reached massive, convulsive, pulsing crescendos.


One experiment succeeded another, and the customary effects supervened, with nothing to characterize them in any respect, except, upon one or two occasions, a more than ordinary degree of life-likeness in the convulsive action.


The banker, his face blood-red, was suffering from little convulsive twitchings of the chin, as though he had a stoppage in his throat.


"The moans of the little patient subside d; its convulsive tossings gradually ceased; and, in a few moments, as is the custom of young children after relief from pain, it sank into a profound and dewy slumber."


"The moan s of the little patient subsided; its convulsive tossings gradually ceased; and, in a few moments, as is the custom of young children after relief from pain, it sank into a profound and dewy slumber."


"The moans of the little patient subsided; its convulsive tossings gradually ceased; and, in a few moments, as is the custom of young children after relief from pain, it sank into a profound and dewy slumber."


The moans of the little patient subsided; its convulsive tossings gradually ceased; and, in a few moments, as is the custom of young children after relief from pain, it sank into a profound and dewy slumber.


The moans of the little patient subsided; its convulsive tossings gradually ceased; and, in a few moments, as is the custom of young children after relief from pain, it sank into a profound and dewy slumber.


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Currents Convulsive

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
