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Further, some animals emit sound while others are mute, and some are endowed with voice: of these latter some have articulate speech, while others are inarticulate; some are given to continual chirping and twittering some are prone to silence; some are musical, and some unmusical; but all animals without exception exercise their power of singing or chattering chiefly in connexion with the intercourse of the sexes.


A table of Cognates is, of course, formed by taking each lineal ancestor in turn and including all his descendants of both sexes in the tabular view; if then, in tracing the various branches of such a genealogical table or tree, we stop whenever we come to the name of a female and pursue that particular branch or ramification no further, all who remain after the descendants of women have been excluded are Agnates, and their connexion together is Agnatic Relationship.


He was also keenly aware of the value of publicity, and tried to use his indirect connexion with Gillray to get himself featured in one of the caricaturist's prints: which by that time was a sure sign of having 'arrived' politically.


Generally speaking,there are many differences between science and art,such as that of cognition and experience,rationality and irrationality,objectivity and i ndividuality,as well as that of truth and beauty.However,these differences are r elative rather than absolute.

论文关键词科学/艺术/关联/science/art/connexion,论文来源北京行政学院学报,论文单位京,点击次数 192,论文页数 79~84页2002年2002月论文网 http://www.lw23.com/paper_59022811/一般说来,科学与艺术存在着认识与体验、理性与非理性、客观性与个性、求真与求美的差别,但是,这种差别只是相对的,不是绝对的。

Hort in his "Judaistic Christianity"(London, 1898), 130-48, does not believe that the errors of the Pastorals had any connexion with Gnosticism, and he gives a very full reply to the objection with which we are dealing.

抚在他的& Judaistic基督教&(伦敦, 1898 ), 130-48 ,不相信的错误联接Pastorals有任何与诺斯替主义,他提供了非常充分的答复异议与我们正在处理。

O.Jespersen 曾指出:"… analysis means suppleness,and synthesis means rigidity;in analytic languages you have the power of kaleidoscopically arranging and rearranging the elements that in synthetic forms are in rigid connexion…".


Herein from the long-neglected physiocratic theory, I make a distinction between two distinct industrialization processes and examine the connexion between them as well as their respective inner structures and developmental trends.


Herein from the long-neglected physiocratic theory, I make a distinction between two distinct industrialization processes and examine the connexion between them as well as their respective inner structures and developmental trends.


Herein from the long-neglected physiocratic theory, I make a distinction between two distinct industrialization processes and examine the connexion between them as well as their respective inner structures and developmental trends.

然而,从重农主义的理论前提出发,则可以区分出两种性质不同的工业化过程。这两种工业化过程虽然密切相关,但却有着各自的内部结构和发展趋势。转载于论文联盟 http://www.lwlm.cn

Herein from the long-neglected physiocratic theory, I make a distinction between two distinct industrialization processes and examine the connexion between them as well as their respective inner structures and developmental trends.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
