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与 connexion 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The latter school was opened in 1841 in connexion with the Diocesan Board.


29F, in connexion with the Ephesian church towards the end of the first century Ency.


A woman had to yield him what he wanted, or like a child he would probably turn nasty and flounce away and spoil what was a very pleasant connexion.


When I come to his connexion with Blanche Stroeve I am exasperated by the fragmentariness of the facts at my disposal.


And the connexion between the latter and the glans is called the frenum.


The imagine of antiquity Jerusalem in Englands naif and gratifying realty has daylong been a quintessential conception of arts indistinguishability and culture: but how did this exteroception appearance the age connexion with the actualised Jerusalem in the Middle East?


There are, I think, at least two reasons why it cannot intelligibly or correctly characterize, as it is supposed to do, a minimum indispensable connexion between mind and body present in all normal action, and generally required for responsibility.


As he didn't exactly appreciate our article exposing the "PSN Check" and about his use of it for statistical purposes (read Dark-Alex se justifie sur le check lors de la connexion au PSN).


But in reality this connexion is in their favour, as there is a strong tendency of modern criticism to acknowledge the Lucan authorship of these two books, and Harnack has written two volumes to prove it.


But if any discussion should arise in connexion with the present business among the most godly bishops Valerian, Amphilochius and the other reverent bishops in the province, and if something difficult or ambiguous crops up, then in such a case it seems good that the godly bishops of Lycia and Lycaonia should be brought in, and the metropolitan of whatever province these choose should not be left out.

但是,如果任何讨论中出现的联接应与本企业的最虔诚的主教缬草, Amphilochius和其他虔诚的主教在该省的,如果有困难或模棱两可的作物,那麼在这种情况下,似乎良好的敬虔主教的利西亚和Lycaonia应提请中,和首都的任何省这些选择不应被排除在外。

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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
