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Supported by the general of the order, Aegidius of Viterbo, he obtained a papal brief (15 March, 1506), granting independence under their own vicar-general to the reformed German congregations and furthermore, 15 December, 1507, a papal Bull commanding the union of the Saxon province with the German Congregation of the Regular Observants.

支持一般的秩序, Aegidius的维泰博,他获得了教皇简报( 1506年3月一十五日),给予独立的根据自己的副主教向改革和德国教会此外, 1507年十二月十五日,教皇车队指挥工会撒克逊省与德国教会经常

Not only were its teachings universally adopted, but numerous Waldensian communities were merged in the Protestant churches, the Italian congregations alone retaining an independent existence and the original name.


There he drew large congregations and influenced many, among them William Wilberforce.

就在那时,他不停的讲道,并感染了很多人,其中一个就是William Wilberforce此人非常伟大!!!!!!!

For many centuries, however, black has been the prevailing colour, hence the term "black monk" has come to signify a Benedictine not belonging to one of those separate congregations which has adopted a distinctive colour, eg the Camaldolese, Cistercians, and Olivetans, who wear white, or the Sylvestrines, whose habit is blue.

许多世纪,然而,黑色一直是普遍存在的肤色,因此长期的&黑和尚&已经到来意味著笃不属於其中的一个单独的教会已经通过了一项独特的颜色,如Camaldolese ,熙和Olivetans ,谁穿白色,或Sylvestrines ,其习惯是蓝色的。

This was originally founded in 1687 as a college for Benedictines of the Cassinese congregation, but later on monks of other congregations were also admitted.


In 1793 the synod replaced the coetus and assumed supreme authority in the church, which now comprised approximately 180 congregations and 15,000 communicants.


The Maurist Congregation of Benedictines which flourished in France during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was the supreme example of this type of monastic industry, but similar works on a less extensive scale have been undertaken in every country of western Europe by monks of all orders and congregations, and at the present time (1910) this output of solid scholarly work shows no signs whatever of diminution either in quality or quantity.

该教会的Maurist其中蓬勃发展本笃在法国期间, 17和18世纪是最高的例子这种类型的寺院的产业,但类似的工程,那麼大规模开展了在每个国家西欧的僧侣的所有命令和教会,并在本时间( 1910年)这一产出的固体学术工作没有迹象显示任何的减少无论是在质量和数量。

The Fuller representatives cited several areas of special concern,"such as the Trinity, the mingling of divinity and humanity, deification, modalism, their interpretation and practice of the 'local' church, the divine and human natures of Christ, and their attitude toward believers outside their congregations."


There were several topics that we at Fuller approached with particular interest, such as the Trinity, the mingling of divinity and humanity, deification, modalism, their interpretation and practice of the "local" church, the divine and human natures of Christ, and their attitude toward believers outside their congregations.


Bishop Mouly, who resided at the Beitang, developed Church activities with the help of religious congregations.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
