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与 civilians 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When there are incoming rounds the first thought is to take cover, which is well and good, but a suicidal or desperate criminal with nothing to loose, who is intent on taking you out(or your partner/ civilians)is very focused and without natural fear.


Abed - la said,"I almost can not believe that Hamas and Israel have such a disregard for human life, even their civilians into the battlefield."


Many voiced concern about the fate of innocent Afghani civilians.


Afghani officials say US-ordered air strikes this week killed dozens of civilians.


Pauen had gone to the scene to gather news about the bombed air-raid shelter where around 400 civilians lost their lives.


In September a German commander called an airstrike near Kunduz that killed and wounded as many as 142 people, some of them civilians.


The Afghan government says a NATO airstrike has killed 27 civilians in southern Afghanistan.

阿富汗政府说,北约在阿富汗南部的一次空袭造成 27 名平民死亡。

Air strike airstrike that witness es said killed 90 civilians in western Afghanistan .


This not only increases the risk to civilians, he says, but it makes it more difficult to distinguish between combatants and civilians.


It is divided into three parts to discuss: In chapterⅠIt discusses the Yang Yazhou's film and teleplay creation of civilians orientation from the perspective of choose topics, all the film and teleplay of Yang Yazhou have chosen the pipsqueak for the main represent targets, focused on the demonstrating the state of survival and psychological changes of these figures in a Time of Change when the living conditions of China changed. Obviously, it accords with popular culture for publicity awareness of the requirements of the civilian population, and the current aesthetic habits of the civilians, at the same time, the consciousness of the topic choice made a tacit understanding with the reactive tendencies of reality of the world, and Chinese film movies, television dramas, and it is an excellent creative concept of inheritance and development in the Yang yazhou film and teleplay works. Stories often start around the family, family members and the major social relation of family members are described in detail. And the vicissitudes of life are similar to Motif of many folktales.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
