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Carra's respect for one of these strikers was bolstered during our marathon jaunt to Madrid in April.


Bolstered by the band's production, the first taster of the album,'Lay it Down', was a delightfully off-kilter riposte, a jaunty flying-V in the faces of people who thought they'd had the band all figured out, with a harsh, treated vocal lifelessly intoning the threatening refrain before abruptly giving way to an anthemic, full-bodied singalong.

此砖中首先让您尝鲜的是"Lay It Down"这首歌,轻快的感觉,良好的平衡性。在自认为了解他们的人眼里,他们总是高举吉他,在全体投入合唱之前,先用死亡一般的刺耳声音咏唱恐怖的副歌。

Bolstered by the band"s production, the first taster of the album,"Lay it Down", was a delightfully off-kilter riposte, a jaunty flying-V in the faces of people who thought they"d had the band all figured out, with a harsh, treated vocal lifelessly intoning the threatening refrain before abruptly giving way to an anthemic, full-bodied singalong.


Medon spread the word to the Utapaun resistance, so that when the Republic clone troopers did storm Utapau, they were bolstered by native Utapaun forces.


It undoubtedly bolstered some critics' view of Kern as a misogynist taking pleasure in the literal suppression of female sexuality.


The decline in foreign investment has taken a big toll on sectors like real estate, manufacturing, infrastructure and even art, which was bolstered by demand from globalization's nouveau riche here and abroad.


In Britain, says a Disney executive based in London, the firm's programme-sales group worked hard to sell "High School Musical" to the BBC, even though it contributed relatively little to their own division's bottom line, because exposure on free-to-air TV then bolstered sales of "High School Musical" DVDs, pencil cases and other products.


Bolstered by the Orc shock troops, the Alliance defeats the Demons.


We increased counterterror assistance to Uzbekistan; we bolstered the Treasury Department's activities to track and seize terrorist assets; we increased funding for counterterrorism activities across several agencies; and we moved quickly to arm Predator unmanned surveillance vehicles for action against al-Qaida.


The effects of p53 could be bolstered with antibodies that slow tumors by attaching to the surface of cancer cells and gumming up their ability to take over the body's growth factors, the specialized proteins that promote cell reproduction.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
