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Scholar Kimberly Smith writes,"If Berry's ecological agrarianism doesn't look particularly innovative to us, it is because he makes the marriage of agrarian and environmental thought seem so natural that we assume agrarianism always implied ecological sensitivity -- or that ecological sensitivity always implied support for family farming."


I assume the chips were from a trapped air bubble that remained when laying the boat up.


From the example above,do not assume that a 97% on-time delivery rate for your air freight service is acceptable.

从上面的例子中,不要以为97 %的按时交货率为你的空运服务是可以接受的。

I tried my best to assume an airy manner.


Because Jo learns to behave and becomes a lady at the end of the novel, it is possible to assume that Alcott wants to teach her readers that conformity is good.


We can only assume that they must have been of means, as cards were a novelty at the time, Aldridge said.


Your totals are from a relatively small number of seawatches from only one coast, so I think we can assume Aleutian Tern numbers are somewhere in the thousands annually.


Be like Alexandrine century at the beginning of 80 time, the teaching staff talks " the gender is taught "," physiology is taught " color becomes general, think such education can let student indulge " pornography " and cannot extricate oneself, but the fact denied this is planted " assume sth as a matter of course " viewpoint.


And Algeria is prepared to assume greater responsibilities as permanent members of the reformed Security Council..


Assume further that there are alienable items that affect an individual's perception of C.


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Assume The Position

Following the pattern set by the first two Desolator Airstrikes, the Desolator Delta Airstrike utilizes three bombers and has a very large area of effect.


These structures impose limits on risk-taking that publicly traded companies do not.


It is the outcome of presupposition.
