英语人>网络例句>assume 相关的网络例句

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与 assume 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I don't assume I'm the smartest person in the room, and I generally take the opinions of others at face value (this is where being apolitical can be painful, but only in the short term).


The application developer can assume that things will work, instead of constantly checking for things that might go wrong.


Instead, says Apter,"mothers should assume that they will need to negotiate" a new way of communicating with their sons.


All such proposals assume the fundamental aptness of the question: what elements of European civilization led to European success?


If you don't go,I'll assume you ar not serious about your future.


Assume you have $5,000,000 with which to conduct the arbitrage.


For example, assume we have two functions named func. Each function takes a pointer to function argument.

例如,假定有两个名为 func 的函数,每个函数接受一个指向函数实参的指针。

You need to think one step ahead and assume your foe will be mixing infantry into armada.


Description : Amardo - Assume the role of Armado the armadillo and embark upon a great adventure to free the Queen, the last of the Great Eagles.

描述: amardo -假设的作用a rmado的犰狳,展开一个伟大的冒险,以免费女王,最后的伟大的鹰。

Armado armado - Assume the role of Armado the armadillo and embark upon a great adventure to free the Queen, the last of the Great Eagles.

MB-承担的角色, a rmado的犰狳,展开一个伟大的冒险,以免费女王,最后的伟大的鹰。

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Assume The Position

I put some current in side the surface and use two planes to cut the surface, then made two Amperian loops, then do integral on Theta.


Toucans|for this musical revue in Brazil.

知道吗 我以前去找能唱歌的鸟|为巴西的音乐剧找巨嘴鸟

Description:描述: You're a treasure seeker in search of lost tombs and temples that you learned about from some old papyrus scrolls.
