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around mountains相关的网络例句

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与 around mountains 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The auspicious clouds are wreathing,the birds are twittering,people are wandering around the ancient bridges under which the water is flowing.The sun is shining on the wheel of life,the stream from snow-capped mountains is washing the dirt of the soul.


Reputed as "Orient Venice" or "Suzhou on the highland",the ancient city of Lijiang is a fairyland in this world.The auspicious clouds are wreathing,the birds are twittering,people are wandering around the ancient bridges under which the water is flowing.The sun is shining on the wheel of life,the stream from snow-capped mountains is washing the dirt of the soul.


Reputed as "Orient Venice" or "Suzhou on the highland",the ancient city of Lijiang is a fairyland in this world.The auspicious clouds are wreathing,the birds are twittering,people are wandering around the ancient bridges under which the water is flowing.The sun is shining on the wheel of life,the stream from snow-capped mountains is washing the dirt of the soul.


This was around the time of the Tiananmen Square killings was in the mountains making a movie.


North Bay bird's eye view of the town: The mountains seem arch, such as strings of the Yellow River, mountain water around the ring, the outline of a beautiful pastoral Bay.


Xianju Bridge cents at Nim Xianju rural village, 20, from the county seat, is the largest wooden Taishun span arch bridge, but also Danyan arcade-style wooden bridge, around a green mountains and blue waters, just next to the bridge Xianju a new cement A bridge connected the county seat of the district roads, although a little Sha Fengjing, but to enjoy together, not really a new hi Yan Jiu.

仙居桥美分,至稔仙居县农村, 20岁,来自县城,是全球最大的木制泰顺跨径拱桥,而且还Danyan街机风格的木制桥梁,围绕着绿色群山和蓝色大海,旁边的一个新的桥梁仙居水泥桥连接县城区道路,虽然有点沙枫泾,但享受在一起,不是一个真正的新的高科技闫久。

Recently, forty-six students from Monaro High School in Cooma, Australia have made their way around Canberra's mountains: hiking, camping, climbing hills and abseiling down trees.

白天徒步行走、爬山,晚上睡在睡袋里,不能洗澡,也没有卫生间……别觉得不可思议,这些都是Monaro High School的学生们野外生存课的内容。

In Azeroth, these monsters made their aeries high above the mountains of Kalimdor, around Stonetalon peak.


There were plenty of quiet deep-water lakes, while other water bodies existed around the lakes, such as swamps and shallow water environment; in the vicinity of water, there were mountains with the higth at least 800 m and alpines lakes and streams.

有丰富且宁静的深水湖泊,周围还有其他形式的水体环境,如沼泽和浅水环境;附近有高山存在,且海拔在800 m 以上,高山上有湖泊,山间有溪流;土壤营养丰富且水分比较充足,适宜多种动植物生存。

The director who was flanked by the Senior Programme Officer of an international lobby group Climate Change Adaptation, Antony Nyong said although falls in frost in alphine zones like those in and around Kenyan mountains may make it possible to grow more temperate crops among them apples, peas and berry, cocoanuts and palm oil, such crops will be at risk.

谁是总两侧的高级方案干事的国际游说团体适应气候变化,安东尼倪翁说,虽然在下降,霜冻一样alphine区和周围地区的肯尼亚山可能使人们有可能变得更加温带作物其中苹果,豌豆和浆果, cocoanuts和棕榈油等作物将处于危险之中。

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He is intelligent, passionate, and a fun guy to hang around with.


First-rate method is to send a person to do mastication technically to digest these stuffs.


But there are many drawbacks if the government monopolizes their supply .
