查询词典 adventure
- 与 adventure 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
He worked 15 hours every day and made his adventure experiences in Alaskan into his short and long novels.
For example, the 2006 Alaskan adventure was a way to raise money for an at-risk youth program in Taiwan.
If you are considering a cruise as your next vacation then a majestic Alaskan Adventure is certainly something to consider.
Then John Alden spake, and related the wondrous adventure
"Next, the Algerian adventure had begun, and it appeared that this might prove expensive in lives."
She is the star in action/adventure series Alias too.
It's all such an incredible adventure.
I would be more than happy to adventure alongside you, sir.
All was drawing alow and aloft everyone was in the bravest spirits, because we were now so near an end of the first part of our adventure.
The Grigri is designed for indoor climbing or sport climbing, NOT for alpinism or adventure climbing. The Grigri is NOT a substitute for skilled, vigilant belaying!
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Living A Boy's Adventure Tale
- Action / Adventure
- The Adventure
- Adventure Time
- The Great Adventure
- Choose Your Own Adventure 1
- Choose Your Own Adventure 2
- Choose Your Own Adventure 3
- Choose Your Own Adventure 4
- Choose Your Own Adventure 5
- 推荐网络例句
By Forex Club upon the transmittal of written notice of termination of any obligations set out in this Agreement.
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Than chummage more the high specified number that those who let traditional shopkeeper headache is bazaar deducts a point.
Electroless copper or silver electroless plating is a mature technology, solution components simple. Easy operation.