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与 adventure 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Ghost blowlamp Complete Works" is a series of forms of writing adventure stories, three gold XiaoWei contemporary touch, using feng shui secret operation, read the pulse of the world great mountains and River search for those who lost everything on earth in a Lung Lau, palace, desert, snow-capped mountains , forests, canyons, rapids, grasslands, little-known mystery plants and animals, potentially dangerous trap, step by step, a startling sight interlocking imagination beyond the limits and challenges of, in the bizarre strange underground world, opened a layers of ancient mystery.


About the first adventure we had yesterday afternoon after landing here, came near finishing that heedless Blucher.


Join Bonk on his latest adventure to thwart his relentless adversary, King Drool III, in Bonk's Return.


Computer Bonk (Bonk's Return) won the 2006 nomination IGN best game, adventure games clearance, and similar games for the best!

介绍:电脑原人(Bonk's Return)曾获得06年的IGN最佳游戏提名,冒险过关类游戏,且为同类游戏中的佼佼者!

My friends,his life was packed full of adventure and intrigue and it has been my pleasure to act as his Boswell.


So we had our adventure into the famously beautiful and breath-taking Beihai Tunnel.


Robert Louis Stevenson, one of the most undervalued authors in English literature, created in _Kidnapped_ a fast-paced adventure tale; a subtle examination of Scottish history and culture; and a pair of unforgettable characters -- the sensible young Lowland protagonist, David Balfour, and his "wild Hielandman" mentor, Alan Breck Stewart.


Inzaghi's adventure with Milan started in August of 2001, on a Sunny afternoon in Brescia.


Bret: In the jungle genre, Forbidden Adventure is probably the most famous.

Bret :在丛林纪录片中,《禁止的探险》应该算是最为出名的了。

She was to be content to weave a steady life with him, all one fabric, but perhaps brocaded with the occasional flower of an adventure.


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Living A Boy's Adventure Tale
Action / Adventure
The Adventure
Adventure Time
The Great Adventure
Choose Your Own Adventure 1
Choose Your Own Adventure 2
Choose Your Own Adventure 3
Choose Your Own Adventure 4
Choose Your Own Adventure 5

He is intelligent, passionate, and a fun guy to hang around with.


First-rate method is to send a person to do mastication technically to digest these stuffs.


But there are many drawbacks if the government monopolizes their supply .
