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与 adventure 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's the great adventure for the 21st century.


But, as I said before, I think the experience is going to be fun, and that travelling at such a slow pace will magnify the adventure.


With all the variety and adventure, Able Seaman Green said she enjoyed her work.


From the initial attempt in abstract expressionism to the increasingly established unique individual style, the artist compares his exploration in the realm of painting to an "adventure" and he will never stop.


We have swept the world in 3D adventure game "Tomb Raider 2" in the graphic as an example, in Figure 1 due to the closure of a 3D accelerator card on the "Perspective angle amendment" function, the stone figures of the ground stations at a severe bend lines deformation; and plans to open a 3D II Accelerator on "Perspective angle amendment" feature, stone ground lines should be maintained and the actual results.

我们以风靡世界的3D 冒险游戏《古墓丽影2》中的图形为例,在图一中由于关闭了3D 加速卡上"透视角修正"功能,人物所站的石板地面线条出现严重的弯曲变形;而图二中打开了3D 加速卡上"透视角修正"功能,石板地面线条便保持了真实的效果。

Cool Ant Anter's Adventure – Moving an Elephant into Ant Colony and Cool Ant Anter's Adventure – Ant Ball overflying the Fire written by Xiazi, leading author in the field of children' literature as well as a famous popular science writer, not only bring about the pleasure of knowledge and reading to children there, but also comfort their soul, strengthening their confidence in homeland reconstruction.


When he spoke to all of the people involved in the rehearsals he said, This is an adventure, a great adventure.


Where the subject-matter is insured by a voyage policy 'at and from' or 'from' a particular place, it is not necessary that the ship should be at that place when the contract is concluded, but there is an implied condition that the adventure shall be commenced within a reasonable time, and that if the adventure be not so commenced the insurer may avoid the contract.


Where the subject-matter is insured by a voyage policy 'at and from' or 'from' a particular place, it is not necessary that the ship should be at that place when the contract is concluded, but there is an implied condition that the adventure shall be menced within a reasonable time, and that if the adventure be not so menced the insurer may avoid the contract


Description : Big city adventure San Francisco - Join the Big City Adventure treasure hunt and search for thousands of cleverly hidden items!


第3/100页 首页 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Living A Boy's Adventure Tale
Action / Adventure
The Adventure
Adventure Time
The Great Adventure
Choose Your Own Adventure 1
Choose Your Own Adventure 2
Choose Your Own Adventure 3
Choose Your Own Adventure 4
Choose Your Own Adventure 5

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
